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tiations which were dropped about a year ago.
[[underline]] Feb 11. [[red underline]] Butler day. [[/red underline]] [[/underline]] Celebration of 70th anniversary of [[red underline]] Dr. N.M. Butler [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] president [[/strikethrough]] and 30 anniversary of presidency of [[red underline]] Columbia [[/red underline]] which he has brought to such an astounding development.
[[vertical annotation in left margin in red]] Union Carbide [[/left margin]]
Mailed Air Mail letters to George about [[red underline]] Union Carbide [[strikethrough] an [[/strikethrough]] George [[/red underline]] phoned at 7 P.M. [[red underline]] tells me conversation with Dillon, says C&C want us they are afraid we might join Dupont [[/red underlie]] Georges voice over 'phone was as clear as is he were present here. At 11:30 P.M a radio broadcast from the [[red underline]] Butler Dinner in New York [[/red underline]] relayed all over the world.
Wm Fellow Morgan, Erskines, Cardozo and Butler [[strikethrough]] spo [[/strikethrough]] made all short speeches.
[[underline]] Feb. 13. [[/underline]] Letter from Horn announcing a [[red underline]] deficit for January. [[/red underline]]
[[underline]] Feb 14 [[/underline]] (Sunday). working most of day on my tax returns and letters
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Listened to Radio Broadcast from Geneva Peace Conference. Visit of Mrs Crismer & Miss Allen who came to call on Celine.
[[underline]] Feb. 15. [[/underline]] George by special delivery letter told me meeting first [[red underline]] Becket [[/red underline]] then later [[red underline]] Barret [[/red underline]] and again [[red underline]] Dillon. [[/red underline]] The latter tells him that he saw Hooker in Washington and other men of the treasury Dept and says Income tax will be raised to surplus 40% - death taxes also to 40% and all will be made retroactive and [[red underline]] advises dividing my holdings amongst my family so as to escape ruinous death taxes on Bakelite etc. [[/red underline]] Wrote to George all this is uncertain and [[strikethrough]] anyhow [[/strikethrough]] is still guesswork and depends on politicians not on Hoover or Treasury department. That anyhow if I transfer now would have to pay large sums for transfer taxes. So prefer to wait - (

Transcription Notes:
Previous page ends with nego- Wm Fellow Morgan is William Fellowes Morgan, long time member of the Columbia Society and popular toastmaster.