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work done by others. Eager to be in print he violated to his own detriment, a contract with Westinghouse not to publish anything before it was approved and thus gave away valuable information to the great detriment of Westinghouse Co. [[underline red]] Charles Scott [[/underline red]] [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] who was appointed his engineering assistant really did most of the designing and conception of the [[strikethrough]] polyphase motor [[/strikethrough]] induction motor and transformer claimed by [[underline red]] Tesla. [[/underline red]] Tesla had a childish vanity in displaying himself and ostentatious expenses and was always posing wherever he was. - [[underline red]] No wonder he and Pupin did not like each other [[/underline red]].
[[underline]] Sunday [[/underline]] March 6 - 1932. [[underline red]] Wind [[/underline red]] has moderated Barometer 29.4 but steadily climbing. No damage to any extent except a few palm leaves blown off. Winds
[[end page]]
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[[left margin]] Wrote long letter to Directors to be transmitted by George, telling them no dividends should be paid in view of present conditions. - Also a private letter to George. - Have sent copy to Karpen [[/left margin]]
of over [[underline red]] 40 mile [[/underline red]] and cyclonic behavior doing [[underline red]] great damage on West Coast and [[/underline red]] causing flooding high tides are reported. - Wind shifting northerly and blowing steadily about 15-20 miles. Got special delivery letter [[underline red]] Sanford Brown [[/underline red]] telling [[underline red]] Sachs kicks [[/underline red]] because not yet an answer on [[underline red]] Sucouef [[/underline red]] amendments of content which have arrived here more than 2 weeks ago. [[strikethrough]] Have [[/strikethrough]] Am wiring him delay is entirely due to office where everybody is [[strikethrough]] alwau [[/strikethrough]] most of the time away and postpones. and that I wired my answer, one week ago, the very day I received the letter. - The [[underline red]] fact is that here I am more accessible day and night than any of them [[/underline red]](See also next page).
[[Underline]] March 7 [[/underline]] Last night lowest temperature [[bold underline red]] 47°F [[/bold underline red]] this morning pleasant and bright. Last nights low 
was about the
[[right margin]] Horn's report of financial situation shows every need of caution
[[/right margin]]