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He discussed also 1930 return of Celine and wanted list of her stock dividends. Segal was quite decent but seemed of limited education and knowledge.
Afternoon visit of [[red underline]] Prufert [[/red underline]] see above.
April 9. Wrote Segal, Celine will sent data about 1930 Income Tax from New York.
April 10. 1932 (Sunday)
Celine ate her [[red underline]] first Cherrymoya [[/red underline]] which ripened on a [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] tree planted here in 1928. Celine packing for tomorrow. Beautiful day. [[red underline]] Discussed my intended distribution of preferred stock and [[/red underline]] provisions for [[red underline]] children, [[/red underline]] grand children and sisters etc and all possible eventualities. Dr. Thomas Barbour here. Afternoon went to Fairchilds.
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[[underline]] April 11 [[/underline]] Celine left here at 10 AM for New York. [[red underline]] Sorry to see her go. [[/red underline]] This has been the [[red underline]] most pleasant time we spent here since I purchased [[/red underline]] this place [[red underline]] "The Anchorage". [[/red underline]] Specially due to fact we were not much disturbed by 
[[red bracket and red exclamation point in left margin]]
too many visits and no cooks nor chauffeurs nor [[strikethrough]] restless [[/strikethrough]] governesses and restless grand- childs as well as their mothers.
[[/red bracket and red exclamation point]]
Streneous day. Wrote a dozen letters and examined about as many foreign patent renewals and sent several telegrams. Busy times. Afternoon visit of Dr. [[red underline]] Stillwell [[/red underline]] the engineer and Trustee of Princeton also [[red underline]] Fred Norris [[/red underline]] offered them my Grape-fruit champagne. Pleasant conversation
April 12. [[strikethrough]] Ludington [[/strikethrough]] & Mershon here for a glass of wine
[[strikethrough]] Evg [[/strikethrough]] Evening [[strikethrough]] went [[/strikethrough]] Dr. [[red underline]] Thomas Barbour [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] and the [[/strikethrough]] Fairchilds here for beer again [[red underline]] further drop in stocks. [[/red underline]] - shall have to sent more money for [[red underline]] Nina's loan account [[/red underline]]
[[underline]] April 13. [[/underline]] [[red underline]]  Barbour, Norris, Fairchild Ludington [[/red underline]] all here.
[[underline]] April 14. [[/underline]] Nina's account needs [[red underline]] $2000 [[/red underline]] Have sent check. Evening went to Com. Munroe for short visit
[[underline]] April 15. [[/underline]] Went sailing this afternoon first time since long. Continuation of uninterrupted drought