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[[left margin in red]] 
Yacht Lexia [[/left margin in red]]
in Nassau. Has with him 3 other Englishmen all young stalwart fellows. (one the tallest is an Irishman).
Took them to the [[underlined red]] Anchorage this afternoon, [[/underlined red]]. Gave them my beer and grape fruit wine. They all had a swim in my basin were much interested in everything 
Brought them back to their ship at 6 P.M.
Received telegram from Hays for $1000 for Nina's
account. Mailed the check same day
[[left margin in red]] 
Drop in Wall street [[/left margin in red]] 
Further drop in stocks in Wall street - When will it end. [[underlined red]] Union Carbide is now at 17! [[/underlined red]]
Such things seemed impossible [[underlined red]] Harold v.d. Bilt [[/underlined red]] whose stock in New York Central was worth [[underlined red]] 43 millions [[/underlined red]] in 1929, has now the same stock worth barely [[underlined red]] 2 or 3 millions. [[/red underline]] Same story with everybody. 
Got a letter from [[underlined red]] Allan Brown [[/underlined red]] who borrowed $22000 against which he has given as collateral [[underlined red]] 400 [[/underlined red]] shares of Bakelite Pfd and his bank does not want to renew
Wrote him nice letter allowing him to see our latest Balance Sheet as shown by outside auditors also gave him rates of current assets and current liabilities as per preceding pages, and telling him why it is our duty to cling to
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
our liquid assets and postpone dividends. Also that after preferred stocks even those listed have tumbled down on the Exchange and if ours had been listed they would show just as low.
[[underlined]] May 2. [[/underlined]] At 2 P.M. [[underlined red]] Swetland [[/underlined red]] here and we went to fetch [[underlined red]] Fairchild to visit Chatham Field botanical [[/underlined red]] station. Young [[underlined red]] Fernel and Walsingham [[/underlined red]] conducted us
Mailed to Hays, transfers of Preferred, for Celine also. [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] Signed [[underlined red]] Trust Deeds for Trustfunds for George [[/underlined red]] and for Nina Baekeland. [[strikethrough]] als [[/strikethrough]]
[[underlined]] May 4. [[/underlined]]
Very busy day packing and putting order in things while attending to correspondence
[[underlined]] May 5, [[/underlined]] 1932
Report from [[underlined red]] Horn [[/underlined red]] shows losses for [[strikethrough]] 3 first [[/strikethrough]] end [[underlined red]] 
April 1932 [[/underlined red]] = -540,032$
   as compared to gain 1931       247,875
Greatest loss in molding = -559,280
   While last year       = + 26,190
of the 1932 loss, 7,225 was Painesville
   Halowax made 1932 = 26473 or about 
   the same as 1931  
                       molding  Halowax
April 1932 -  -44800 - -50,000 = 7000
  "   1931   +118924  +119 098 = 2152
There were no securitys sales losses in April 1932 George tells me, Horn charged $20000 monthly for additional compensation so loss for 4 months is 80000 less = $460,000 even then, 540 x 30 would become $1,620000, which would dispose of all our cash assets
This evening went to meet the gentlemen of the Lexia at Fairchilds. Hugh Matheson and his wife also there

Transcription Notes:
Commas often look like periods