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May 6/ Finish packing. Rain squalls. Drew $100 from Coconut Grove Bank. Left this evening 9:00 P.M for New York. But this afternoon visited Fairchild who wants to drive with me to station. visited also Mrs. Sarmiento who tells me none of her stocks pay any dividends and she has had to sell some [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] at lowest present price to pull thru her expenses for the year.
Fairchild drove with me to train, left [[strikethrough]] some [[/strikethrough]] a crate of Grape fruit for the [[strikethrough]] Lexia [[/strikethrough]] yacht Lexia. - What an absurdity to leave beautiful Coconut Grove to mix in the noisy turmoil of New York. - If it were not for others dependent upon me I would not do it!
[[underlined]] May 7. [[/underlined]] Few passengers. Long before reaching Jacksonville felt cold during the night. Then it became warmer later on hot and dirty in Georgia
[[underlined]] May 8 Sunday. [[underlined]] Cool and rainy. Drove to University Club while Dick went for my trunk. At Snug Rock about 1 P.M. [[underlined in red]] Nina in hospital for removal of tonsils. - [[/underlined in red]] Cornelia will follow. [[underlined in red]] Dicky chicken pox [[/underlined in red]] but not much, her brother quarantine also from school. Celine very well.  Garden looks very pretty, flowers and birds. Large wild pheasants running over lawn.
[[underlined]] May 9. [[/underlined]]
Early at office. [[underlined in red]] Amazed to hear Redman after his return, did not carry out my orders to submit [[/underlined in red]]
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[[left margin in red]] Redman [[/left margin]]
[[underlined in red]] budget for research and is now travelling on a lecture tour and [[/underlined in red]] will not be back before my departure for Berlin which is set for May 19 [[underlined in red]] So called immediately a meeting. [[/underlined in red]] for to morrow & telephoned to [[underlined in red]] Weith [[/underlined in red]] to prepare immediately data for present research program. Had preliminary meeting same day with Geo B. Sanford Brown Gordon Brown & Rossi.
[[underlined]] May 10 [[/underlined]] Long conference with [[underlined in red]] Weith [[/underlined in red]]. [[strikethrough]] Gave him [[/strikethrough]] Let him see our balance sheet for 1931 and present serious condition where every month our losses are increasing and absolutely necessity for conserving our cash reserves.
[[underlined]] May 11 [[/underlined]] [[bold red underline]] Research budget [[/bold red underline]][[underlined in red]] discussion with [[strikethrough]] George [[/strikethrough]] Weith, George B. Sanford Brown, Rossi, Gordon Brown [[/underlined in red]] and Lowe. See report about this and following in my [[underlined in red]] letter to Redman who is now on a lecturing tour [[/underlined in red]]
[[underlined]] May 12 [[/underlined]] Another very busy day.
[[underlined]] May 13 [[/underlined]]
[[left margin in red]] Lindberg Baby [[/left margin]]
I am ashamed to belong to the human race. [[underlined in red]] The kidnapped baby of Lindbergh [[/red underlined]] has now been found but Killed! I have not the courage to speak about it to anyone or to read the newspapers.
At 9 A.M. [[underlined in red]] private conference with Weith [[/underlined in red]] studying his Research program sheets. Then all day long session with him, [[underlined in red]] Rossi & Lowe. [[/underlined in red]] Left out purposely S.B