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[[top margin in red]] Berlin [[/top margin]]
[[underlined]] May 18. [[/underlined]]
Departure for [[underlined in red]] Berlin [[/underlined in red]] to night at midnight per SS. [[underlined]] Albert Ballin [[/underlined]] of Hamburg American Line. Took purposely a slower steamer so as to have 2 more days at sea and be able to continue several unfinished work Early to office. - Conference with George B. as to necessity of seeing to it that [[underlined in red]] resolutions should be carried out after they are passed or agreed [[/underlined in red]] upon.
Mailed to [[underlined in red ]] Redman [[/underlined in red]]
[[left margin in red]] My [[underlined in red]] instructions [[/underlined in red]] before leaving for Berlin [[/left margin]]
1/ Long letter describing present critical situation necessitating for reducing Research Expenses.
2/ Clipping of Article in "Time" describing how professor Junckers in Germany brought his enterprise into financial trouble because he spent too much money on research.
3/ Clipping of another article announcing that Bell Telephone Research had cut down their expenses still further by deciding on a four day week.
4/ Summary report of the different meeting held on the subject of research.
5/ Positive instructions to Operating Committee signed by me and directing George B to carry them out and comprising:
  a/ [[underlined in red]] 5 day week [[/underlined in red]] for Bloomfield
  b/ [[underlined in red]] Weith put in executive [[/underlined in red]] charge during Dr. [[underlined in red]] Redman's absence and lecturing tour [[/underlined in red]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[left margin in red]] Orders to the staff of laboratory and manufacturing Dept [[/left margin]]
  c/ Immediate meeting between Weith, Brock, Rossi and Lowe to settle once for all whether machine shops in Bloomsfield shall be continued or stopped
  d/ A direct order to [[underlined in red]] Weith [[/underlined in red]] to take charge, as second in [[underlined in red]] command [[/underlined in red]] of all Bloomfield matters and to act as liaison between Bloomfield and Operating Committee in carrying out the orders of the latter under my direction
All this was agreed upon. 
Yesterday had interviews with [[underlined in red]] Hays [[/underlined in red]] on several pending matters of importance alone and in presence of [[underlined in red]] Holmgren [[/underlined in red]]
Was back in Yonkers at 4 P.M. Did my final packing. - Supper alone with Celine. Left 8 P.M with 3 valises, no trunks, for steamer.
Found pleasant outside cabin for me alone at considerably reduced prices. [[underlined in red]] (all steamer lines have cut their prices [[/underlined in red]] [[strikethrough]] Toile [[/strikethrough]] Private toilet and shower. - Steamer well built and very comfortable. Clean tasteful [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] but not bizarre and showy as that crazyly built French Steamer "Isle de France" on which I travelled in 1927. Personel also makes a good impression. Few passengers mostly 2d class and 3d class