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much by its sober but stirring acting as this one.  Nor can I conceive that this play in any other language but German and played in Germany could make such an impression.
I was disappointed to hear that few if any of my friends had heard of this excellent play.
[[vertical annotation in left margin]] [[strikethrough]] Thursday [[/strikethrough]] 2d Meeting [[underlined in red]] Sachs & Weger [[/underlined in red]] [[annotation in red]] Bakelite Gesellschaft [[/annotation in red]] concerning Surcouf [[/left margin]]
[[underlined]] Second meeting with Sachs & Weger [[/underlined]]
At 10 A.M. We met at the main office. -- I told them frankly and confidentially the whole story since the arrival of [[underlined in red]] Surcouf in June 1930 [[/underlined in red]] and the consequent complications, going in every detail.  The way [[underlined in red]] Surcouf [[/underlined in red]] had arranged meeting with [[underlined in red]] George B. Redman Rossi, Swan and Mills [[/underlined in red]] then more particularly with Geo B. (Sanford Brown being still in Europe).  [[underlined in red]] See my notes [[/underlined in red]] relative to this in such parts of my journal of 1930 etc) also subsequent correspondence with Strauss, Sachs, Surcouf and the N.Y office)-- See also the handwritten letter dated May or June 1932 from Berlin telling the whole story of the present interview to Geo B. -- After I had put some direct questions to [[underlined in red]] Sachs [[/underlined in red]] so as
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[[vertical annotation in red in left margin]] Sachs says Surcouf has lied [[/left margin]]
to feel sure of my ground.  He suddenly said slowly but emphatically: " [[underlined in red]] Dr. Baekeland Mr. Surcouf has lied to me"! [[/underlined in red]]
This he said in presence of Dr. Weger and then [[underlined in red]] twice after [[/underlined in red]] during the conversation [[underlined in red]] he repeated the same. [[/underlined in red]]  "Mr. Surcouf has lied to me."  also in presence of Dr. Weger He told me how Surcouf had misled them all, this causing and [[underlined in red]] aggravating the misunderstandings between Berlin [[/underlined in red]] and New York which had become so acute 1/ Surcouf had not shown them the letter [[strikethrough]] sign [[/strikethrough]] contract dated June 24 - 1930 and signed by Geo B. and which he assured he would show directly on his arrival in Europe.
2/ Even when everything was upset and we were firing angry letters and telegrams back and forward between Berlin and New York and when Strauss asked him if he possessed anything in writing from us, even a mere letter setting for the agreement, [[underlined in red]] he astonished Strauss by saying there was no such written letter or document! [[/underlined in red]]
3/ It was only in [[underlined]] October 1930 [[/underlined]] that they finally got knowledge of that letter.