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[[underlined]] [[strikethrough]] June [[/strikethrough]] May 31, 1932. [[/underlined]]Today [[black and red underlined]] Formal 
^[[annual]] meeting [[/black and red underlined]] of board of [[black and red underlined]] Directors of Bakelite Gesellschaft, [[/black and red underlined]] & Stockholders Mtg. 
These were preceded by an informal meeting at which the various items on the Agenda were further discussed before submitting them to the official meeting. Present: Dr. Stauss, Sachs, Weger, Fabian Nöbe. 
The meeting took place in the fine spacious oakpanelled council room of Rütgers A. G. I mentioned that it might be well not to declare so much dividend, in view of the fact that business this year was less than last, and was still further decreasing and that if the pending decision on the [[red underlined]] lime patent (Elbel) [[/red underlined]] were against Bak. Ges. competition and price cutting might bring them to a dangerous financial condition