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Immediately afterwards took place the formal meeting of the Board of supervision, including a representative ^[[director]] of Rutgers and a certain Dr. Degge of Knoll & Co who lives in Munich and greeted me warmly (he is in the 80's) and remembered me from 1909 (or 1913). Dr. Strauss [[strikethrough]] Then it [[/strikethrough]] presided and gave his report then Dr. Sachs gave his, and finally Dr. Weger his with estimates for needed expenses to plant etc. Unanimous approval. [[red underline]] Two representatives of [[strikethrough]] Immedia [[/strikethrough]] the labor [[/red underline]] were sitting in and [[red underline]] kept quiet and each got a good cigar. - [[/red underline]] The socialistic law requires this. 
Then immediately afterwards, meeting of stockholders (nobody but those already present for the board meeting) Same ritual, and unanimous approval. Then the directors took me to a [[red underline]] Weinrestaurant, [[/red underline]] about 1 P.M. A very pleasant luncheon. [[red underline]] Fabian, Nobe, Strauss, Degge, Sachs, Weger. [[/red underline]]  Then soon afterwards I went back to office with Dr. Strauss. - Weger & Sachs to finally discuss and approve my modifications to the [[red underline]] Berlin - Paris [[/red underline]] 
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[[vertical note in left margin in red]]
That letter of June 1932 [[/left margin]]
[[red underline]] contract as submitted by Sachs. [[/red underline]] I explained to Sachs what changes to make and why. They [[red underline]] agreed on every point. [[/red underline]] Sachs and myself will redraft it accordingly. Sachs wanted me to go with him to Paris to have it changed and signed there.
I told to Sachs that I prefer he should go there, have Surcouf and his directors agree on it while I wait in Berlin for his return. I told to Sachs that the most I could do to "save the face" of [[red underline]] Surcouf, [[/red underline]] would be to await the arrival of [[red underline]] Surcouf [[/red underline]] [[underline]] not later [[/underline]] than Saturday, so as to let him put his final signature on it after the contract was endorsed by the Parisian directors and that I would then put my final signature of approval on it
The whole [[red underline]] interview was very pleasant [[/red underline]] and [[strikethrough]] settles in this [[/strikethrough]] finishes the long drawn out agony, caused by that fearful blunder of [[red underline]] that letter of June 24 - 1930. [[/red underline]] 
[[underline]] June 1 - 1932. [[/underline]] Cashed 50$ on my $5000 letter of credit at Berlin Bank. Found out that on account of Emergency Government regulations Sanford Brown cannot draw the $600 cash he left here last year, cannot even buy securities [[red underline]] with it except Government securities! [[/red underline]] Mailed a 9 page letter to George to be shown at office and in which I described all what happened at Bakelite Gesellschaft since my arrival.
[[underline]] June 2. [[/underline]] [[red underline]] Weger [[/red underline]] came with the new auto limousine & chauffeur of Erkner to show me [[red underline]] factory, [[/red underline]] at 9 AM, along well kept [[strikethrough]] but paved [[/strikethrough]] roads, of Belgian pavement which makes [[red underline]] rough riding [[/red underline]] but alongside of which are path for numerous bicycle riders. Very few motorcars but bicycles have not lost