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[[note in left margin in red]] No external effect of Depression [[/note in left margin]]
their vogue in Europe as in U.S. and ^[[private]] motor cars in the country are an exception. Altho' motor-truck transportation at long distance has taken considerable development and as in U.S. has become important competitor of Railroads. Pretty well kept roads, and roads planted on both sides with well kept trees.  
[[red underline]] I see no external effect of depression [[/red underline]] Many young men and women off for the country, walking sturdily with [[strikethrough]] ru [[/strikethrough]] knapsack on shoulders and light walking clothes, bare legs and bare head, all looking healthy and cheerful
I note that [[red underline]] water sports, [[/red underline]] specially outboard motor boats have become very popular and on some of the lakes, some anchorages are gay with all the small craft.   Happy, simply but cleanly dressed children, going or coming from school, and [[red underline]] absence of uniforms so different from prewar conditions [[/red underline]]   
Passed thru the little town of Köpenick made famous by that shoemaker who took the town and all the officials by impersonating a Prussian army officer and caused the whole world to laugh.
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[[note in left margin in red]] New Bakelite building in Germany [[/note in left margin]]
The [[strikethrough]] factory of [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Bakelite factory in Eichner, [[/red underline]] which was started in 1914 as a successor to the little building in Rutgerswerke [[red underline]] looks quite imposing [[/red underline]] with its large smokestack on which the word Bakelite in large illuminated letters placed vertically can be read miles distant by the International trains: The buildings are well built, substantially without extravagance; well kept, and include several buildings which serve as residence to some of the superior employes and for which they pay rental to the Co. There is a canal which separates the big Plant of Rutgerswerke from the smaller of Bakelite and thru which pass barges and various boats also the neat and cheerful looking white painted little excursion motor boats which brings holiday crowds from Berlin and which are the smaller equivalents of our Hudson steamers or excursion boats on the Sound or to Coney Island or Staten Island. - All well kept, and orderly, where beer & wine and meals are freely obtainable. Next to the factory is a hotel-summer resort beer garden. At one time Bakelite had caused the health authorities to order them to move to less inhabited parts, which prompted them to acquire a piece of ground at Zons. This was caused by careless discharge of phenol-wastes in the river also from the odor of formaldehyde and hexa in the air. 

Transcription Notes:
The Bakelite factory was located in Erkner, Germany.