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Since then this matter has received careful attention by a purification plant, to such an extent that [[red underline]] I saw a school of fish swimming around the very borders of the factory plant where the wastes are discharged. [[/red underline]] The means employed seem much simpler and incomparably less expensive than what [[red underline]] Rossi [[/red underline]] built at Bound Brook. See full report on waste purification, design of building and equipment, together with cost of building and operation as furnished me by Weger. He tells me the [[red underline]] cost of purification is only a small fraction of a cent per lb. of Bakelite. [[/red underline]] The total cost of factory and equipment inclusive residence houses and mobilier and laboratory is 2,230,000. Reichs Marks or about $560,000.00.
At present, on account of depression, the plant only [[red underline]] works 4 days a week. [[/red underline]] The whole plant is very well kept as well as court yard and surrounding places.  Cheerful and many trees & gardens and living houses, some of them very pretty, others [[strikethrough]] centuries [[/strikethrough]] centuries old but well kept.
[[strikethrough]] June [[/strikethrough]] Dr. Heyl who is next in command to Dr. Weger makes a good impression. Met Dr. Elbel and a few other chemists
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now engaged in research laboratory. Weger took me to his house for luncheon, no others pleasant.  Small but pleasant habitation surrounded by little flower and fruit garden well kept.
Everything neat and clean. [[red underline]] Weger [[/red underline]] has a very interesting mineralogical collection, old books etc. Showed me his Diploma from Leipzig University. [[strikethrough]] Ma [[/strikethrough]] Summa cum laude. Had a very pleasant and interesting talk with him on many subjects [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] of general interest. Sunny cheerful of person, very pleasant.
[[underline]] June 3. [[/underline]]
[[note in left margin in red]] [[red underline]] 
Zoological Garden [[/red underline]]  
[[/note in left margin]]
On recommendation of Weger went today to [[red underline]] Zoological Garden [[/red underline]] and Aquarium. Long walk thru zoo. Beautiful trees & well kept gardens and animals. Groups of happy school children with their teachers, all smiling and orderly, all simply but cleanly and intelligently dressed, practically all bareheaded. All these children, boys and girls from the "Volkschule," or public schools. I notice that they all [[strikethrough]] have [[/strikethrough]] are simply but well shod and that their clothes [[strikethrough]] are kept in goo [[/strikethrough]] and shoes are kept in good repair. All clean and happy faces.
American animals not as well represented as African or Asiatic. Aquarium is small but very well arranged, specially the center part where one sees a collection of many varieties of crocodiles and alligators in [[strikethrough]] a glass case [[/strikethrough]] patch of water and tropical plants covered by a glass roof