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and simulating successfully the very habitat of these animals. Excellent restaurant & concert every day till 11 P.M. and [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] well honoured by every class of the population. - All quiet and well behaved some of them drinking beer others soft drinks and not a trace of litter on the walks nor the lawn. No noises or disturbing behavior from any one. Entrance price is moderate and eating accomodations from the simplest to the most elaborate in the pavilions or restaurants.
Exquisite music also dancing in the open air, all orderly and with as much decorum as if it were a State ball. [[strikethrough]] [[All?]] [[/strikethrough]] participants are plainly dressed young men and women. A very good impression. - What strikes one most is: [[red underline]] none of the uniforms of prewar times. [[/red underline]] Only the musicians have a uniform.
[[underline]] June 4. [[/underline]] Weger and the others are much concerned about the pending decision of their "lime" patent for the making of Bakelite. A large number of competitors and future competitors are all ready to contest it, and to use every means for that purpose. - If they win it, it may mean an extension of their monopoly since my original patents have lapsed this year which allowed many competitors to enter the field.
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Surprised to meet Col. [[red underline]] Fred Pope [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] who [[/strikethrough]] who arrived at the [[red underline]] Adlon [[/red underline]] on his way to Russia per Air plane. Dr. [[red underline]] Landis also from Cyanamid Co. [[/red underline]] has been here since the day after my arrival and is to join Pope in Russia.  This morning at office. Afternoon went to listen to Concert in Zoo. Pretty group of Flamingos. They rest or sleep on one leg and fold the others under their feathers, while turning their long-necked head backward and hiding it under the feathers of their back between their folded wings and remain so immobile for long periods.
[[underline]] June 5 [[/underline]] (Sunday). Went out walking early in the Tiergarten park then later in the Zoo, then along the Spree - Canals, and palaces. Streets, except in center of city, are deserted; all stores closed and everybody seems to have gone to the country. Barges and towboats in the locks and sluices, some boats towed, others moved by means of long poles. - between them small pleasure motor boats some with outboard motors others fitted out like small motor-yachts all well kept.
[[underline]] June 6. [[/underline]] Weger came to fetch me with the limousine to take me to Erkner. [[red underline]] Factory only works 4 days [[/red underline]] a week and transparent department is idle to day.
Visited [[red underline]] research laboratory [[/red underline]] where about [[red underline]]half a dozen [[/red underline]] are busy but the helpers (workmen) are absent to day to save wages. - [[red underline]] Laboratories [[/red underline]]are [[red underline]] simple[[/red underline]] and no unnecessary expenses altho' [[red underline]] well equipped,[[/red underline]] and with 

Transcription Notes:
- don't think it is "Entrance price" as the original word looks like it ends in (nnce) price. Dr. Baekeland is known to make his letter "a" in both a rounded and closed form, as in "ance". - page 11, 2nd line. Don't know if it is Adlon or Oudlon. A Google search will show you that the Adlon Hotel was and is a luxury hotel in Berlin. - page 11, don't know if it is "Russia per Air plane" or "Russia for Airplane". - page 11, June 6, last paragraph is there such a thing as a "transparent department"? Or was it some other kind of department?