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decidedly less unnecessary expenses than the new laboratories of Bloomfield. They have tours of Bloomfield. They have a Peetre's [[red underline]] flow testing [[/red underline]] machine. But they tell me its indications are not so good a guide as molding a cup. So they use both tests together one checking the other.
The whole factory [[strikethrough]] is well a [[/strikethrough]] and equipment are well conceived and well built. Their [[red underline]]Bakelite stills seem stronger than ours. [[/red underline]] - They also have a safety manhole which can be released from the outside in case for some reason or another the inside pressure gets beyond control. - This was done since they [[strikethrough]] lost a [[/strikethrough]] one [[red underline]] operator lost his life [[/red underline]] thru a case of the kind where the mass turned suddenly into B [[red underline]] with exothermic effects. [[/red underline]]
They are much [[red underline]] more advanced on their Transparent C. [[/red underline]] department. They use vertical bakelizers instead of our horizontal, which allows them better to make rods which they keep upright and are molded in a set of bronze vertical tubes placed parallel and fastened in two or more parallel rows in two square end plates. 
[[image: drawing of vertical bakelizer]]  
They thus make straight rods of perfect dimensions 1 meter long. They also wash their liquid A. (or better molten A) in a vertical glass scrubber by circulating gas into it which mixes the liquid A with the hot water, afterwards let settle and draw off. Their transparent C. is almost colorless and darkens
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only slightly in the light.
[[left margin in red]] 
cast transparent [[/left margin]]
They make large bottles (5 liters) of C. for 
HFl. and hollow tubes 1 centimeter thick, about 8" or 10" wide and about a meter long. - [[red underline]] We have much to learn from them in this subject. [[/red underline]]
Their apparatus are either pure [[red underline]]nickel or aluminum. [[/red underline]]
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On the other hand they know nothing about glyptal or even about our C23. Promised to send information about the latter.
Their molding power mixers seem to be more effective than ours in working quicker and giving no dust. They have a way of discharging the resin contents of a still directly outside in pans which are conveyed automatically over iron rollers, into the room where they are further changed into molding compounds etc.
[[left margin in red ]] Surcouf [[/left margin]]
Wired to New York that [[red underline]] Sachs has telegraphed [[/red underline]] me from Paris that [[red underline]] Surcouf and his associates have accepted my stipulations entirely. [[/red underline]] I also wired that I appoint Hays as chairman of the finance committee. 
[[left margin in red]] Sanford Brown wants to handle our finances [[/left margin]]
As I expected from [[red underline]] Sanford Brown [[/red underline]] that he next will try to get hold of [[red underline]] the financial end of Bakelite Corporation [[/red underline]] and desires to become our treasurer.
I got the first symptom when George B writes me that S.B has repeatedly reminded him that I have not yet appointed a [[red underline]] chairman of the finance [[/red underline]] committee:
George also mailed me a [[red underline]] letter which Karpen [[/red underline]] addressed to him urging George to suggest to me to [[red underline]] let Sanford Brown [[/red underline]] join me here because S.B could give me