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[[left margin in red]] [[red underline]] Sanford Brown [[/red underline [[/left margin]]
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valuable advice in all the difficult matters which confront me here! - Just take me by the hand! As far as I can hear, S.B. [[red underline]] spent most of his time in Europe in golfing etc. [[/red underline]] and spending money [[red underline]] and delaying matters, [[/red underline]] and building up a "paper tiger" to have the credit afterwards to [[underline]] kill [[/underline]] the "tiger".!
[[/vertical red bracket]]
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[[red underline]] Ambassador Sacket [[/red underline]] [[underline]] June 7. [/underline]]  See Bierabend by Woodbridge reported on June 8. [[/note in left margin]]
June 7.ͯ - Our [[strikethrough]] n [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] U.S. Minister to Germany [[/red underline]] had expressed to Prof. Woodbridge the desire to meet me. So this morning at 10 AM I went to [[red underline]] the U.S. Embassy, [[/red underline]] situated in a good looking building near the Thiergarten Park not far from my hotel. Without waiting I was introduced by one of his attaches to his reception room and I found a very pleasant gentleman a little older than myself. - He told me afterwards that he [[red underline]] was nearing the middle-seventies: [[/red underline]] We had about one hours interesting conversation. He giving his experiences with [[red underline]] Prof. Haber [[/red underline]] and his work, then questioning me on the [[red underline]] trend of chemistry [[/red underline]] and my views on the business depression. He seems to be much liked here and no wonder. - The University of Breslau? or [[red underline]] Trebingen? [[/red underline]] recently gave him an [[red underline]] Doctor honoris causa degree. [[/red underline]] ͯ [[left margin]] ͯ of the "Amerika Institut." [[/left margin]]
He is also active in the U.S. House [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] for students and professors etc.
Afterwards I visited our U.S. Commercial attaché Grove at the U.S consulate and met there Mr. [[red underline]] Doherty [[/red underline]] specially detailed on the [[red underline]]Chemical [[/red underline]] division. So we spoke about current problems. - Both knew me.
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Then I sent to see [[red underline]] Capt. Castleman naval Attache [[/red underline]] to the U.S. who had [[red underline]] called [[/red underline]] on me [[strikethrough]] dur [[/strikethrough]] the third day I was at the [[red underline]] Adlon, [[/red underline]] during my absence but he was out.
Afterwards short call to [[red underline]] Mrs. Segall [[/red underline]] who had telephoned twice at the office. Then to office. - Sachs wires from Paris that Surcouf will arrive Saturday morning.
[[left margin in red]] Union Carbide & Dupont [[/left margin]]
Answering my inquiry [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] wires th [[/strikethrough]] cables that he [[red underline]] will reduce research [[/red underline]] budget by about [[red underline]]$150,000, [[/red underline]] this year. Sent night letter cable to [[red underline]] Rossi, [[/red underline]] answering his long letter concerning the [[red underline]] competing propositions of Dupont and of Union Carbide [[/red underline]] both trying to make contracts for [[red underline]] our supply of formaldehyde. [[/red underline]] I advised Rossi to use caution as to [[strikethrough]] long [[/strikethrough]] future entanglements of long duration with either company and before deciding to inquire promptly about details of financial standing of each company and just as much about personalities now at their head. Today temperature was all day 10°C, or about 50°F.
[[underline]] June 8. [[/underline]] Went to hear lecture of [[red underline]] Woodbridge on Philosophy at the University bdg. [[/red underline]] Unterden Linden. A uninformed guardian at the door asked me about my business. Impressive old building, full of statues of famous professors, and of other reminiscences of a glorious past. The University is a busy place, [[red underline]] full of students of both sexes. [[/red underline]] Many women [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]]. Both sexes dressed very simply, almost all bareheaded, many in sport-costume. The students affect the queer haircut which