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being done currently by [[strikethrough]] Römler [[/strikethrough]] Römmler, the oldest molding firm in Germany [[strikethrough]] who[[/strikethrough]] and which was molding both phenol and aminoplastics. So it was arranged that [[red underline]] Dr. Ripper [[/red underline]] the chemist and Director Alter of Römmler would [[red underline]] fetch me [[/red underline]] with a taxicab tomorrow at 8:30 AM at Adlon, drive me to their showrooms and bring me back in time for the Surcouf meeting at 10 A.M.
[[underline]] June 11. [[/underline]]  Römmler has fine set of offices and showrooms in Berlin, and a fine collection of excellent samples.
Dr. Ripper who is an Austrian worked formerly under [[red underline]] Pollak. Pollak [[/red underline]] has failed financially and in his work and his company is in Bancrupcy. - Conditions in England and elsewhere not better. But Ripper continuing his research, succeeded in using [[red underline]] mixtures of urea and thiourea [[/red underline]] & formaldehyde of obtaining much better products molding rapidly, perfectly white, or colored by [[underline]] pigments [[/underline]] which show better electrical qualities than 50-50 or 60-40 [[red underline]] Bakelite [[/red underline]] molding mixtures (woodflour & Bakelite) which also permit the making of laminated and which are light proof. They withstand, oils alcohol, neutral solvents [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] perfectly as well as water.
They are non arcing and have excellent power factor and
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Römmler A.G. - Heinrich Alter
Dr. Kurt Ripper.  Berlin - Wilmersdorf Gieseler str. 12 [[/note in left margin]]
surface resistance. - Withstand water, 10% NaOH dilute H2SO4 and dilute HCl, better than Bakelite molding mixtures. He has several patents pending or allowed, wants to make arrangements for U.S. patents which still belong to him. Wants to show me the whole process at the factory as well as tests, wants to give me any samples I may desire so that we can test them ourselves.
Says that the reason Römmler Co does not hesitate entering the field is that the only impeding patent is Urea or Aminoplastics claimed under [[red underline]] "Heat & pressure" [[/red underline]] and that since I exhaustively showed the importance of these factors in my prior art, [[red underline]] there is no invention [[/red underline]] in bringing out an old method. They feel confident this patent will be annuled. Nevertheless Ripper has other patents where he used [[black and red underline]] Cyandiamid [[/black and red underline]] which do not infringe the urea and thiourea patents even should they be upheld. Dr. [[red underline]] Ripper [[/red underline]] and Mr Alter both make good impression. Both have good command of English. Alter is rather reticant, but Ripper speaks all the time and is generous and frank with information.
Asked Ripper [[red underline]] following questions. [/red underline]]
1/ How long does your molding mixture keep without losing its [[strikethrough]] initial [[/strikethrough]] plasticity.  
A = One year at 25°C
[[strikethrough]] 2/ [[/strikethrough]]
Says [[red underline]] urea plastics are hydrophyllic [[/red underline]]