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[[left margin in red]] Louvain [[\left margin in red]]
here. - [[red underline]] To meditate one must travel alone as I do, [[\red underline]] with no one else in the compartment to disturb my thoughts about what is and what might be.
[[red underline]] Automobiles [[\red underline]] on the roads are conspicuous by their absence here in the country, and in Germany as well altho' Germany per capita has probably more autos than Belgium.
[[red underline]] Louvain looks very dead, compared to Liege.[[\red underline]  Clumsy management and clumsy porters at the gray blackish station. A huge war movement before the entrance of the Grand place of the Station where every building is a hotel, restaurant and beer saloon. Two somnolent horse carriages waiting for travellers, which did not come. I picked out one open one with a stolid driver to take me around the town over the rattling Belgium pavement in every one of [[strikethrough]] the dead [[/strikethrough]] all the dead streets of the town. Showed me the different [[strikethrough]] buildings [[/strikethrough]] destructions of the Germans, whole streets of houses [[red underline]] sit willfully aflame, [[\red underline]] including Library, and City Hall and other public buildings [[red underline]] now all well rebuilt [[\red underline]] but bearing inscriptions of the wanton destruction where the stupid German commanders earned the disgust and protests of the whole civilised world. Had they only known then! - But [[strikethrough]] thig [[/strikethrough]] their hot headed leaders were sure of victory. My coachman who was of very limited education and intellect was full of information and eager to tell me how the Germans
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[[left margin in red]] Louvain [[\left margin in red]]
had set the cathedral afire which burned down, with everything and was now reconstructed. But when I asked him about the painting and the wonderful carved and delicate pulpit which was in excellent condition of preservation, he told me that there was a [[red underline] ]miracle [[\red underline]] and that these holy things [[red underline]] were miraculously spared [[\red underline]] as well as every convent. [[red underline]] Any German who comes here, and who has a grain of conscience and love of justice must feel profoundly humiliated. [[\red underline]] Nevertheless the German fury and destruction was a blessing in [[strikethrough]] disten [[/strikethrough]] disguise for the City of Louvain in General and for the [[red underline]] University [[\red underline]] in particular not only by attracting tourists now from all over the world, but by having brought about a magnificent rebuilding of the town thru reparation and by [[red underline]] public subscription in America [[\red underline]] for the entirely new library of Louvain, paid for and designed by Americans and equipped in the most modern way as no other University in Europe, while creating an architectural work of art which is of immense benefit to the University of Louvain, supplied with books [[red underline]] donated [[\red underline]] from [[red underline]] the U.S [[\red underline]] and from almost every part of the world.
I entered the Palais de Justice, also new. There was a session of the Correctional court, with a presiding judge and the advocates of the indicted persons. The lawyers wearing black gowns and a round black bonnet