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its rear door opens on the stations.
I had reserved a "room with bath" but when I was led to it found it [[underline]] had no toilet! [[\underline]] So told them I meant room with bath - includes toilet, so they transferred me to a large double bed room and an unnecessarily large adjoining bathroom + toilet. - Charge 21 shillings a day, - about $4.20 at present exchange rates. Room is very clean but rather antiquated. It feels cold, chilly, and gray. - London atmosphere
[[left margin in red]] Bakelite Ltd [[\left margin in red]]
[[underline]] June 22. [[\underline]] The offices of [[red underline]] Bakelite Limited [[\red underline]] are nearby.  [[strikethrough]] Considerably [[/strikethrough]] Victoria street. Considerably enlarged and improved since 1926, with various separate rooms, also exhibition rooms. [[strikethrough]] All [[/strikethrough]] At entrance a former artillerist (Tayloc) measuring 6'4" stands guard in a military uniform and a leather military pouch slung over his shoulder gives an imposing effect! Long interview with Kingsbury and [[red underline]]Potter.  Cooper[[\red underline]] has become very [[strikethrough]] important [[/strikethrough]] indispensable man, and his health is very much better than when I saw him Darley Dale 1926. Likes his work and is very devoted to him. Is liked by everybody.
[[underline]] June 23 [[\underline]] Left for Birmingham 9:10.  Sherwood who is one of the men of Darley Dale accompanied me to the station of Beaconsfield, where Porter is to join me. - Sherwood thin and short looks intelligent and has done excellent work as salesman in laminated. - Is not an engineer, just grew up
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[[left margin in red]] Bakelite new factory Birmingham [[\left margin in red]]
with the business. [[red underline]] New factory [[\red underline]] is is in the neighborhood of our former factory and built on a plot of about 33 acres or about 1/3 size of Bound Brook plant. Surrounded everywhere by other factories some of them well known British Companies, others British Brands of American companies.
The [[strikethrough]] large [[/strikethrough]] tall brick smokestack with the vertical inscription in large white letters [[red underline] ]BAKELITE, [[\red underline]] surmounted with the cloverleaf trade mark is very apparent from the distance and visible from passing trains. The moving is practically complete and all the units are working [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] regularly except the laminated which altho' in operation has not yet caught up with the orders.
The whole plant well constructed and well designed and [[strikethrough]] made [[/strikethrough]] conceived [[red underline]] more economically than Bound Brook. [[\red underline]] - See details in report of cost, total, and of each units, also capacity, as being prepared by Potter.
[[red underline]] Laminated [[\red underline]] division is very busy trying to catch up with unfilled orders.  Whole outfit makes good impression. [[red underline]] Potter [[\red underline]] reminds me of it that I gave them [[red underline]] good advice in urging them to instal laminated [[\red underline]] plant. - Mills did good work here. We had excellent luncheon in our simple but clean and comfortable factory restaurant, which charges the cost and nevertheless does better than neighboring restaurants.  
Had glass of beer on draft excellent. What a horror!! this would produce in Volstead America!