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[[left margin in red]] Bakelite [[\left margin in red]]
The [[red underline]] barmaids [[\red underline]] businesslike and quick and polite altho curt have kept their [[red underline]] traditional reserve [[\red underline]] which maintains the respect of the drinkers.
[[underline]] June 29. [[\underline]] Long talk with [[red underline]] Potter [[\red underline]] in my room. [[red underline]] Halowax [[\red underline]] will talk further about it at office with Sale Grinding wheel situation is now in good condition here says Potter. Told him all I know about my interview of [[red underline]] Dr. Ripper [[\red underline]] and the samples. Also told him that Bakelite Gesellschaft have very successfully set aside all arguments against the [[red underline]] Elbel Lime patent [[\red underline]] which has now been definitely granted by German patent office, which will give our company there a new monopoly. England patent will gain by it. Told to Potter all the arguments used by the Germans and how to defend his situation in England when the case comes up for trial.
Showed him handwritten letter of George B to me announcing me encouraging results of [[red underline]] cooperation [[\red underline]] with [[red underline]] Rogers Paper Co., [[\red underline]] also about roof tiles etc.
Rossi had wired me to find out whether the [[red underline]]£9000, Bakelite Ltd [[\red underline]] owes us should not better be placed in [[red underline]] British Government securities. [[\red underline]] But Potter says everybody is doing it and price is so high that it will certainly drop as soon as business situation gets better. Went to a Cinema nearby. - Still this very disagreeable habit of everybody smoking. - [[red underline]] American films [[\red underline]] altho much attacked in England are still the [[red underline]] most popular, [[\red underline]] not withstanding their average stupidity.  
English papers announce in 
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[[left margin in red]] Hoover recommends 1/3 in armaments [[\left margin in red]]
big headlines [[red underline]] Hoovers latest [[\red underline]] proposition that all countries cut their expenses for armaments to 1/3 what they are now. - Italy and [[strikethrough]] Russ [[/strikethrough]] most of the small countries are in favor, so is [[red underline]]Germany.  France very much against. [[\red underline]] England sits on the fence and does not commit itself. The conservatives and military class are against it but do not express themselves frankly. - The people and [[red underline]] liberal papers endorse Hoovers stand [[\red underline]] and some of the papers come out outspokingly for it. - So does Lloyd George who endorses very strongly.  
[[left margin in red]] European papers give scant news about U.S.A. [[\left margin in red]]
In general [[red underline]] papers give very little news about U.S except sensational news of the Capone type. But they certainly give more than French or Belgian papers. [[\red underline]] The [[strikethrough]] P [[/strikethrough]] Paris Edition of the N.Y Herald keeps me best informed about what is going on in the U.S.
[[underline]] June 25. [[\underline]]  Mr. [[red underline]] Kingsbury [[\red underline]] came to fetch me at the hotel at 11 A.M. His daughter driving his car to his place in the country which is about 28 miles distant. His friend Douglas Watson, who manages the telephone Co in Constantinople is with him. He wears everywhere his scotch cap, in Turkey as well as here and is known by his cap.
[[left margin in red]] Kingsbury's house [[\left margin in red]]
Pleasant luncheon with the daughters and wife of Mr. [[red underline]] Kingsbury [[\red underline]] and very interesting conversation on a wide range of subjects. Grounds cover about 10 acres and a modest but pleasant brick house. Everything well kept. Here again I notice very few automobiles on the road altho' quite a number of bicycles. Took the train back to London.