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[[red underline]] want I wanted to avoid in view of the more [[/red underline]] and more pronounced attitude of "Buy British" which had lately been accentuated since Britain went on a Tariff base, and off the gold standard. But in any event we should carefully examine the possible advantages and disadvantages from a connection with [[red underline]] Imperial Industries. [[/red underline]]
[[left margin in red]] British Bakelite borrowed money from us [[/left margin in red]]
The day before Mr. Kingsbury in speaking about our money guarantee for their loan, told me that the [[red underline]] earnings of the company [[/red underline]] and those in sight, [[strikethrough]] precluded [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] excluded the possibility of paying us back that money, altho' in the future [[/red underline]] better earning capacity might render this possible. - That [[red underline]] for the moment it would not even be possible to pay part of the money back as they needed every shilling [[/red underline]] for their current needs of their business.
Bought a pair of excellent patent leather full dress shoes for 25 shillings or about $5.00.  In some other stores they can be obtained for about half that price. - [[red underline]] Fall of the Pound sterling has reduced all prices [[/red underline]] and yet some men, [[strikethrough]] like [[/strikethrough]] in our country even [[strikethrough]] Dr. [[/strikethrough]] President N.M [[red underline]] Butler, speak of removing Tariff [[/red underline]] barriers in America.
[[left margin in red]] [[red underline]] Pantone [[/red underline]] [[/left margin in red]]
[[underline]] Meeting with [[red underline]] Ronald Trist [[/red underline]] [[/underline]] went to see him at his office, where he carries on an engineering and machinery business. Told him had not announced my visit sooner, because not knowing how my plans would have to be altered.
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[[left margin in red]] [[red underline]] Pantone [[/red underline]] [[/left margin in red]]
[[strikethrough]] He told [[/strikethrough]] Told him how [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] had put Shrimpe on [[strikethrough]] my panto [[/strikethrough]] Pantone on my advice and that he is well suited etc. But that we had had to [[renounce?]] temporarily at starting introduction because we had so many unforeseen setbacks and details we had to clear up before we could afford the risk of starting introduction. That in the mean time we were "experimenting" on ourselves by having as much printing done as possible for the printed matter of Bakelite Corporation, and charging B.C. at the same price for the work as other printers, were willing to do it for.  Also told our troubles about ink, plating, kiss brush etc etc all of which he had been kept informed by the copies of communications of Shrimpe and Maechlin and George B.
[[left margin in red]] Holland Duell swindle [[/left margin in red]]
Told him how [[red underline]] Holland Duell [[/red underline]] his patent attorney had [[red underline]] taken advantage [[/red underline]] of us by charging us a [[red underline]] formidable bill, [[/red underline]] after which we had dropped him etc.
Trist tells that [[red underline]] Duell [[/red underline]] afterwards sent him another bill amounting to [[red underline]] $2500, (or was it £2500? [[/red underline]]).
That he had had to spend every money he had to repurchase his patents from his first, now [[red underline]] defunct English Pantone [[/red underline]] Co., that now everything was again in his possession, ready for a new start and that he had the backing of the present head of Imperial Chemicals ([[red underline]] (Mr. Gowan?) [[/red underline]] and two others whose name I forgot, and were wealthy and well known industrialists or business men, to form a well financed and well organised company which was going to do an enormous business all over England and Europe. That the large newspapers and others that do much color printing were only waiting for them to give them