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[[left margin]] Dupont & Union Carbide [[\left margin]]
[[red underline]] we could not well divulge to Dupont the pending proposal [[\red underline]] made by Union [[red underline]] Carbide. [[\red underline]] - [[strikethrough]] Told them to [[\strikethrough]]  Geroge on the other hand thinks we have kept the matter pending long enough and that [[red underline]] U.C. have conceded everything [[\red underline]] we asked for and we must take a decision before end of this week.
I told them to think it over and let me know any further suggestions.  George tells me that [[red underline]] Redman [[\red underline]] has had [[red underline]] two more fainting spells [[\red underline]] and that his condition is getting worse.  He is now in Canada!
Discussed also the situation which has arisen since [[red underline]] A. Karpen [[\red underline]] utilised his position of [[red underline]] Autopoint [[\red underline]] to rush thru with consent of his directors, [[red underline]] Jacobs [[\red underline]] and Dehli, a personal [[underline]] loan from Autopoint reserves [[\underline]] for about [[red underline]] $30000 without giving [[\red underline]] anybody a chance to express advice or consent.  I believe Karpen has again gravely sinned against good business ethics, - to put it mildly.  [[left margin]] !! [[\left margin]]
[[red underline]] Celine [[\red underline]] has been to [[red underline]] Dr. Smith [[\red underline]] to have her [[red underline]] abcess [[\red underline]] kept free. - Situation not worse, and she is cheerful.
[[left margin]] [[red underline]] Karpen! [[\red underline]] [[\left margin]]
[[underline]] July 12. [[\underline]]  Yesterday discussed with George, Rossi & S. Brown the contract of formaldehyde. - [[red underline]] George [[\red underline]] thinks [[red underline]] is urgent to sign with Union Carbide. - Rossi [[\red underline]] and S. [[red underline]] Brown think [[\red underline]] we [[red underline]] shall lose business of General Motors if we do not sign with Dupont. [[\red underline]]  Furthermore lose their advantage of their present organisation in their paint and Varnish business.  George says molding [[red underline]] business of General Motors is not so very important [[\red underline]] and there is no profit in it.  Says also that we shall lose
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[[left margin]] General Motors [[\left margin]]
the good will of [[red underline]] Varnish trade [[\red underline]] if they knew we have become connected with [[red underline]] Dupont, [[\red underline]] in case of a merger.  [[red underline]] S.B. [[\red underline]] who [[red underline]] feels more at home with the Golfing and sporting set of General motors [[\red underline]] has every chance of increased importance should we be thrown in with General Motors.  Spirit of Dupont and [[red underline]] General Motors [[\red underline]] is of [[red underline]] a different tendency towards their subordinates [[\red underline]] than [[red underline]] Union Carbide. [[\red underline]]  Today by appointment met [[red underline]] Dr. Davidson [[\red underline]] to ask him some more questions about that contract;  a [[red underline]] very pleasant interview [[\red underline]] in which he answered very satisfactorily every question I asked him also questions of [[red underline]] Vinylite. [[\red underline]] - He says they are going slowly not being willing to risk to go on a too large scale before having overcome all their troubles.  Product softens at [[red underline]] 70°C, [[\red underline]] but they can make it also to stand up to [[strikethrough]] 50° [[\strikethrough]] [[red underline]] 90°C. [[\red underline]]  Their only real important output now is with the [[red underline]] Victor talking discs. [[\red underline]]
Returned my letter of credit.
[[left margin]] Harsberger and Building Co. [[\left margin]]
[[underline]] July 13 [[\underline]] 1932.  10.30 [[red underline]] Harschberger [[\red underline]] came with George B at office to explain me his inventions in roofing and Bakelite coated tile.  Wants to become [[red underline]] associated [[\red underline]] with us he to [[red underline]] continue licensing [[\red underline]] his tiles.  Preliminary discussion of making separate company.  Bakelite to have 51% [[strikethrough]] 49% [[\strikethrough]] of stock he 49%, we to guarantee him a minimum, etc.  Deferred until he has assembled his special exhibit.
[[red underline]] Celine [[\red underline]] much better altho' [[red underline]] Dr. Smith [[\red underline]] has to perforate every day outlet of abscess in her nose.  Was overjoyed this evening in evening home that she [[red underline]] was in kitchen cooking our supper while cook was out. [[\red underline]]
[[underline]] July 14. [[\underline]]  Celine much better.
At 11 A.M. Director's meeting.  All present except [[red underline]] Redman [[\red underline]] who is in