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Dupont's influence in [[red underline]] General Motors was handicapped by large holdings of Fisher. [[\red underline]]  But since Fisher had to sell out conditions are different.
[[left margin]] [[red underline]] George B in favor of U.C.
Rossi, S. Brown and Hays for Dupoint [[\red underline]] [[\left margin]]
[[red underline]] George B. [[\red underline]] seems [[red underline]] adverse to Dupont [[\red underline]] and favors prompt ratification with [[red underline]] Union Carbide. [[\red underline]]  Sanford Brown, Rossi and Hays favor Dupont, because if we contract with U.C for formaldehyde, they will see a new competitor and may go into manufacturing synethetic resins, [[strikethrough]] While if we can [[\strikethrough]] and thus we may lose all chances for selling our products to General Motors.  George B on the other hand advances that the whole paint & varnish trade is against Dupont and their Duceo policy and any close connection with them will make us the good will of the paint & varnish mfrs.
That furthermore [[red underline]] U.C. may conclude [[\red underline]] to [[red underline]] buy out one of our competitors [[\red underline]] and go itself in the phenolic resin manufacturing.  It was concluded to [[red underline]] rewrite the U.C. formaldehyde contract [[\red underline]] eliminating its objectionable features, and then before deciding to [[red underline]] give a chance to Dupont [[\red underline]] representative, asking for their very best terms [[red underline]] before we make a decision, [[\red underline]] telling him that 
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1/ We earnestly [[red underline]] intend to go [[\red underline]] into manufacture and sale of [[red underline]] formaldehyde [[\red underline]] but not mentioning with whom and under what conditions
2/ That we have heard that [[red underline]] Dupont [[\red underline]] intends to enter our field of plastics.  [[red underline]] If not are they willing to guarantee us that it is not so. [[\red underline]]
3/ [[red underline]] Will [[\red underline]] they [[red underline]] use their influence [[\red underline]] to favor us in the [[red underline]] market of General Motors. [[\red underline]]
Outside of this the [[strikethrough]] whole [[\strikethrough]] meeting was limited to routine matters! - See minutes of the meeting.
Also discussed [[red underline]] policy of moving offices of Halowax to Bound Brook. [[\red underline]]  S.B will report
[[underline]] July 15. [[\underline]]  Operating Committee.  Long interview with Weith on various pending matters, specially in regard to proposed budgetting and supervision of research expenses.
[[underline]] July 16. [[\underline]]  At Yonkers all day busy with studying my taxes 1929-1930 in view of coming interview with Tax examiner.  Afternoon went for short visit to Larchmont Yacht Club
[[underline]] July 17 [[\underline]] (Sunday).  Most of the day busy with [[red underline]] Celine [[\red underline]] on [[red underline]] tax matters [[\red underline]]
[[underline]] July 18. [[\underline]]  [[red underline]] Rossi has met Dupont [[\red underline]] representative, who [[red underline]] denies [[\red underline]] that D. is [[red underline]] going into synethetic resins [[\red underline]] and [[red underline]] expresses [[\red underline]] willingness to use their influence for securing trade of General Motors but Mr. Sparre, will see Rossi.  George mentions that [[red underline]] Dr. Davidson [[\red underline]] of Union Carbide, visited him yesterday in Scarsdale and told George confidentially that [[red underline]] Dow [[\red underline]]