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[[left margin in red]] Dow Chemicals financial difficulties [[\left margin in red]]
[[red underlined]] Chemical Co altho' they made [[\red underlined]] over [[red underlined]] 2000000$ [[\red underlined]] profit in year, are in [[red underlined]] financial difficulties, [[\red underlined]] frozen assets notes due etc. and there was a possibility of [[red underlined]] Dow & Union Carbide uniting. [[\red underlined]] The latter would thus be in a position to furnish phenols and use other raw materials besides formaldehyde.
[[underlined]] July 19. [[\underlined]]  From 11 AM until 2 P.M with Mr. [[red underlined]] Eugen Carter [[\red underlined]] tax examiner who came to look into my [[red underlined]] 1930 Federal Taxes. [[\red underlined]]  Pleasant interview to be continued next week after we have some additional data.
[[underline]] July 20. [[\underline]] Another very busy day.  Hot weather!
[[underlined]] July 21. [[\underlined]] My probable total income tax this year will be about 5480.00$
We have paid thus far $11000 into [[red underlined]] Nina's account. [[\red underlined]] She is still about $15600 in debt besides to Harris-Upham & Co.
Present [[strikethrough]] equity of her [[\strikethrough]] market value of her stocks held as colateral by Harris Upham & Co is about [[strikethrough]] $16000 [[\strikethrough]] $32000, so the equity is about $16300.00.
Received a [[red underlined]] hand written letter from Redman [[\red underlined]] who is now in Canada, tells me 8 [[red underlined]] doctors [[\red underlined]] have examined him, [[red underlined]] told him his system is run down, [[\red underlined]] by local infections, intend to extract 5 of his teeth, also [[red underlined]] remove tonsils [[\red underlined]]
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and [[red underlined]] severe diet [[\red underlined]] etc. - Seems very cheerful. Offers to come and see us. Wrote him back that it is his duty to rest and keep quiet and there are no important matters requiring his presence here.
This evening 6 P.M heard short speech by the [[red underlined]] Kings of the Belgians [[\red underlined]] to America (over Radio) also concert in Brussels, on occasion of National Belgian Celebration.
Received first shipment of a large box of [[red underlined]] splendid Mangos. [[\red underlined]]
[[underlined]] July 22. [[\underlined]] All day at office.  S.B wires that financial matters of [[red underlined]] Autopoint [[\red underlined]] are in [[red underlined]] satisfactory shape. [[\red underlined]] We shall hear more about this Monday.
[[underlined]] July 23. [[\underlined]] [[red underlined]] Celine improving [[\red underlined]] every day. Almost entirely recovered.
Fine change of weather for the better
Most of day being here with notes and study of pending work.
[[underlined]] July 24. Sunday. [[\underlined]] Lately the [[red underlined]] home brew [[\red underlined]] beer Dick made has been unsatisfactory. Turns "gummy" and does not clear. I suspect this beer made in dark in sufficiently ventilated cellar has been infected with "molds" or wild ferments. So told him to make a brew under my direction. The Crates disinfected by careful washing with a solution of chloride of lime; ditto treatment of all instruments etc.
Miner of Yonkers, the lawyer, came to visit me, gave him some mangoes and my wine. Afternoon [[red underlined]] Celine [[\red underlined]] visited with me the [[red underlined]] Larchmont Yacht Club, [[\red underlined]] then stopped at [[red underlined]] George's [[\red underlined]] house for a while.  Cornelia is in Adirondacks