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[[underline]] July 25. [[\underline]] 1932. Busy day at office various conferences.
Evening [[red underline]] Frank Sprague [[\red underline]] [[strikethrough]] who [[/strikethrough]] the inventor [[strikethrough]] of electric [[\strikethrough]] and father of electric traction is to be [[red underline]] honored [[\red underline]] tonight at Engineers Building. Preliminary to this, Sprague, [[red underline]] Craig Hutchinson, Bridges, Dr. Holden [[\red underline]] and myself had informally dinner together at [[red underline]] University Club. [[\red underline]] - I serving mangoes and some of my Yonkers home made wine.
Afterwards went to fetch [[red underline]] Mr. Sweazy [[\red underline]] at the new Union League Club to take him to the ceremony. [[Strikethrough]] Well filled [[/strikethough]] The large room of Engineers bdg well filled with choice audience. All friends and admirers of Sprague there. Excellent speeches. A complete success. Met several friends I had not seen for a long time.
[[left margin]] Patent discussion [[\left margin]]
[[underline]] June 26. [[/underline]] Conference [[red underline]] Barns, Geo B., Nielsen, Rossi, Weith, Bender, Nash, & Reily [[\red underline]] about [[red underline]] Lime patent [[\red underline]] situation. Situation more complicated than I expected so will reserve my decision until later.  Took this opportunity of explaining my visit to Ripper and to [[Romler?]] factory and to show samples. [[red underline]] Barns [[\red underline]] wanted to leave because he is lawyer for [[red underline]] "Aldur" [[\red underline]] who manufacture urea plastics. But I asked him to remain as I trust his fairness.  I told to Weith in presence of Bender that [[red underline]] we should try to make plastics by reacting with acrolein, or acetaldehyd, or other available aldelydes or urea, sulfourea [[\red underline]] or mixtures of both. Told him also to [[strikethrough]] make [[/strikethrough]] try making
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[[left margin]] patents & new processes [[\left margin]]
molding mixtures of paper pulp with one of the A's, in liquid form so as to produce a paste which after cold molding could be hardened by heating at temperatures not exceeding 100°C or below.  That I knew that certain varieties of liquid A. which I made by means of NaOH would bring about this effect.  Such methods would be most applicable where expensive molds were unavailable.  They could be molded in plaster, molds, or in glue-cast molds, or resin molds as are now used in surgery and sculpture or also in galvanoplastic molds all of which molds can easily [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] cheaply and quickly obtainable.
[[underline]] July 27. [[\underline]]  Busy day.
[[underline]] July 28. [[\underline]]  Geo B, [[red underline]] Weith, Sanford Brown [[\red underline]] Rossi and myself went to see exhibition of [[red underline]] Harsbergers flexible [[\red underline]] roof tiles, and cement tiles coated with a bakelite varnish mixture.  I wired to Irwin in Coconut Grove to come here Tuesday to see these tiles and give his opinion.
[[underline]] July 29 [[\underline]]  [[red underline]] Celine [[\red underline]] is [[red underline]] entirely recovered [[\red underline]] and left here at 8.30 A.M for our camp.  Cornelia goes with her.  Dick driving the motor car.  Nice cool weather.  [[red underline]] Jacques La Roche, [[\red underline]] wrote me long typewritten letter, asking for a loan of [[red underline]] $100,000 [[\red underline]] to enable him to enter a business enterprise in France and Belgium, stating his father has lost much money and his business has made no profits, etc. - Wrote him cannot do so. - Same old story;  same repetition.  They imagine I only have to scoop money here to give it away