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[[vertical annotation in left margin in red]] [[red underlined]] Mary [[/red underlined]] - Redman & Wieth [[/left margin in red]] 
this was due because he wanted to be thorough and minutius. He told me how he had been of indirect beneficial influence with the American Chemical Society and the Chicago Section and the nearer home Sections, [[red underlined]] thus helping Redman [[/red underlined]] etc.
I told him my desirer was to help him in trying to find a job either with us or elsewhere where his abilities found better opportunity, and that altho' his notification for termination of services read Sept 1 I had no objection to let it run to October 1, so [[red underlined]] as to enable him to assist Redman. [[/red underlined]]. The man was [[red underlined]] very frank [[/red underlined]] and honest. The difficulty is to find work for him where he will be [[strikethrough]] of some [[/strikethrough]] at least of some value, instead of being a bad example of extravagance, when we are compelled to reduce the salaries of the men who render obviously more important services. All this is very unpleasant and the result of the general extravagance and lack of sense of proportions of the Bloomfield Laboratories. [[red underlined]] Redman never was a manager and never will be, and Weith had no power [[/red underlined]], nor did he dare to [[strikethrough]] exercer [[/strikethrough]] do anything contrary to [[red underlined]] the wishes of R. [[/red underlined]]
[[underlined]] Aug 3. [[/underlined]] Got letter of Dr. [[red underlined]] Taylor [[/red underlined]] containing suggestions and criticisms of laboratory - Gave it to Rossi to examine and report further to me.
[[underlined]] Aug 4. [[/underlined]] Discussed in detail with Nielsen the [[red underlined]] Redman [[/red underline]d] etc.  [[red underlined]] Lime patent [[/red underlined]] in relation to the Aylsworth [[strikethrough]] disclosure [[/strikethrough]] prior disclosure of [[strikethrough]] CaO [[/strikethrough]] Lime and other metal oxides, also in relation
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[[vertical annotation in left margin in red]] Redman Lime patent Harsberger [[/left margin in red]]
to Elber American application. - Came to same conclusion as Barnes that reissue of Redman Lime patent should be applied for with specific [[red underlined]] claims to Lime [[/red underlined]] and some other [[strikethrough]] oxi [[/strikethrough]] equivalent oxides.
[[underlined]] Aug 5. [[/underlined]] Meeting with George, Rossi, [[red underlined]] Harsberger [[/red underlined]] and myself. [[red underlined]] Harsberger submit a  stack of patents [[/red underlined]] and I ask him questions. Decided to have meeting with Hays Monday to draw up a contract the way we want to take the risk. Told Rossi positively that if any [[strikethrough]] offi [[/strikethrough]] part of our office was transferred to Bound Brook I would not allow any expenses to be made outside the moving of our functions or office furniture. - that he must accommodate them, until better times as well as he could in [[underlined]] any [[/underlined] vacant space of the new factory.
Next week we will have a meeting at Op. Com  with Alan Brown and others to come to a definite program
[[underlined]] Aug 6. [[/underlined]] Received a very nice letter from [[red underlined]] Celine [[/red underlined]] at the camp. Says she has [[red underlined]] much improved [[/red underlined]] but is not yet 100%, therefore concludes not to come here on Aug 8 as she intended. - Was here all day writing and reading.
The last mangoes of the season arrived here this morning from Coconut Grove also avocadoes.
[[underlined]] Aug 7 Sunday [[/underlined]] Here all day writing and studying at home and belated office work.
[[underlined]] Aug 8. [[/underlined]] Told George my conclusions about Harsberger and how we [[strikethrough]] take [[/strikethrough]] [[red underlined]] should not take risks to get into another Pantone or worse. [[/red underline]]. - We must limit our risk [[red underline]] Sales July worse than June and every department in red ink. [[/red underlined]] The varnish resin department sold just one half of last year in July! instead of showing the expected increase in a 

Transcription Notes:
Instructions say if word hypenated on two lines to type as one word which is what I did for last word on first page which continued to second page. Also 'underlined in red' is the same as 'red underline' Why edit just to change this, instructions not clear which might be more appropriate except they do say the word 'underlined' had a 'd' and not 'underline' without the last 'd' Seems a waste of time unless someone has clarification as to which is more appropriate from Institute