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[[left margin in red]] George's optimism [[/left margin in red]
etherification or [[red underline]] esterification [[/red underline]] of free OH groups.
As well as the [[red underline]] Wightman [[/red underline]] application covering addition of aqueous solutions of "hydrophile" synthetic resin in cardboard, and Bender's application covering the resin, as well as other patent matters
Evening went for supper to University Club.
[[underline]] Aug 18 [[/underline]] Another meeting with [[red underline]] Harsberger [[/red underline]] Geo B, Rossi and Sanford Brown & myself. [[red underline]] 
[[left margin in red]] X [[/left margin]]
George B so impetuous as to say in case. we do not get enough [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] out of licences the first year, [[/red underline]] he (George) [[red underline]] will pay it to the corporation from his own money! [[/red underline]] - Dangerous tendency at a time like this where he needs all his money.  [[red underline]] Harsberger [[/red underline]] gives more information about his way of obtaining the glaze on his cement tiles, also answers the two page typewritten objections of Sanford Brown. I lost my patience when both Sanford Brown and Rossi were reading some printed sheets on [[red underline]] on an indifferent subject [[/red underline]] instead of [[red underline]] listening. [[/red underline]] Finally [[strikethrough]] Is [[/strikethrough]] S. B. [[strikethrough]] told [[/strikethrough]] said necessity of investigating, - told him to go to it right at once that [[red underline]] he had more disposable time [[/red underline]] than any of us, and as he was the most critical, he should go and inquire in how far Harsberger told the truth about his licenses.
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[[left margin in red]] Sanford Brown & his golfing [[/left margin in red]]
In the afternoon [[red underline]] Sanford Brown [[/red underline]] came to me, proposing to let him go out for [[red underline]] thirty [[/red underline]] ^[[days]] (!) scanning around the country for this matter and after pending matters connected with Halowax. - I perceive in this a [[red underline]] sly way [[/red underline] for having a [[red underline]] 30 days golfing [[/red underline]] etc. vacation and his travelling expenses paid by us. - Told him [[red underline]] Harsberger [[/red underline]] matter has the right of way and must be attended to at once and can be settle in 3 days and all the information could be obtained here in New York right away. So that we may finish one way or another with [[red underline]] Harsberger. [[/red underline]] Rossi feels more included towards the Harsberger subject since H. gave us additional information 
[[strikethrough]] Aug 19 [[/strikethrough]] At 11:15 AM Jerome Alexander and [[red underline]] D. D. Jackson [[/red underline]] came here to speak to me about what to do with N.Y [[red underline]] Section of Societe de chimie industrielle. [[/red underline]] I argued with them that we should run it as modestly as possible but keep it alive, and as a successor to Kunz, (deceased) for the presidency, Jackson was entirely agreeable to me.
[[underline]] Aug 19 [[/underline]] Long all day session about pending patent matters, which was interrupted by S. Brown and Isternian, & Dodson discussing the halowax wire coating application which conflicts with a recent patent by Young who uses diphenyl chlorides for same pur-