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[[note in left margin in red]]
The Anchorage [[/note in left margin]]
retreat. Last 24 hours 8" rain 
I note that I [[strikethrough]] ha [[/strikethrough]] weigh 8 lbs more than last May when I left. I shall make my meals as simple and as scant as possible. Daily swims and outdoor work will do the rest 
[[strikethrough]] Temp [[/strikethrough]] Hygrometer [[red underline]] 90% [[/red underline]] humidity but very comfortable altho 82°F for dry bulb and 78° for wet bulb. But fine trade-wind breeze makes one feel very comfortable. Threw out my northern clothes and am again in light white cotton trousers, and light cotton negligé shirt, no socks, my bare feet in light all cotton duck shoes. What a comfort and [[underlined in red]] no one to bother me with visits [[underlined in red]] 
[[underlined]] Oct 31 [[/underlined]] Slept very well and no longer this feeling of fatigue and slight headaches as I had in the North [[strikethrough]] Visited [/strikethrough]] The [[underlined in red]] Fairchilds [[/underlined in red]] have not yet arrived. - Short visit to Dr. [[underlined in red]] Jeffrey [[/underlined in red]] [[strikethrough]] and has [[/strikethrough]] who was alone, and interesting talk on many subjects
[[underlined]] Nov [[strikethrough]] 2 [[/strikethrough]] 1. [[/underlined]] 1932. Nice sunny weather. Two swims a day. Afternoon went to Miami to buy some gold leaf [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] and a few groceries [[strikethrough]] This [[/strikethrough]] I have [[strikethrough]] two [[/strikethrough]] three [[underlined in red]] Midnight blooming Cactus flowers [[/underlined in red]] about ready to open. Two of them will open tonight in patio. Gave one of them to Dr. Jeffrey
[[left margin]] After dark After dark, [[/left margin]]
AT 7 P.M the flower was half open and began to emit a faint odor. Hygrometer was 90%
76° F dry bulb
74° " wet bulb
The flower which was slightly
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[[note in left margin in red]] 
Night blooming cactus [[/note in left margin]]
pinkish while closed, now in opening turns whiter and whiter and its numerous pure white petals, open and spread as an exalted multiplied white lily while pistil and stamina [[strikethrough]] look like [[/strikethrough]] have [[strikethrough]] a la [[/strikethrough]] appearance of delicate lace work. At 8-9. P.M the flower is full open and emits a delightful perfume [[strikethrough]] wh on the th [[/strikethrough]] At 4:30 A M. the flower was still wide open. But by daybreak it closed gradually and assumed the pinkish color and reduced volume of this morning
While watching the flower I heard a speech by radio from the city of Cuernavaca [[underlined]] Mexico! [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Nov. 2. [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Showers [[/strikethrough]] Occasional showers. 
[[note in left margin in red]]
Election Politics against Hoover.
[[/note in left margin]]
Evening Radio political speeches: by [[strikethrough]] political [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined in red]] men running Hoover down, telling lies, [[/underlined in red]] misrepresentation and giving every kind of promises, which they know cannot be kept, all to win votes. [[underlined in red]] Franklin Roosevelt [[/underlined in red]] gave them the example and is [[underlined in red]] promising everything [[/underlined in red]] to everybody and keeps on repeating [[underlined in red]] generalities and platitudes. [[/underlined in red]] - What a difference with the [[underlined in red]] dignity and correct analysis of Hoovers speeches. [[/underlined in red]] But - the people want to be [[underlined in red]] humbugged, [[/underlined in red]] and the average rabble are unfit to understand a noble character and unusual executive abilities of a well informed man like [[underlined in red]] Hoover. [[/underlined in red]] They want [[underlined in red]] handshakes like  Roosevelt, [[/underlined in red]] [[strikethrough]] Get Sm [[/strikethrough]] Al. [[underlined in red]] Smith and Jimmie Walker, [[/underlined in red]] who can play the [[underlined in red]] clown [[/underlined in red]] and the acrobat with their wisecracks.