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[[underlined]] Nov. 3. [[/underlined]]  Rain followed by clearing. Visit of [[underlined in red]] Harrison [[/underlined in red]] the photographer this afternoon. Pleasant general talk also about Velox times Eastman etc. A very pleasant gentleman.
[[note in left margin in red]] Samuel Insull and his debacle [[/note in left margin]]
[[underlined]] Nov 4. [[/underlined]] Showers + sunshine. [[strikethrough]] Papers [[/strikethrough]] Newspapers remind that today of three years ago, [[underlined in red]] Samuel Insull, [[/underlined in red]] the Public[[underlined in red]] Utilities magnate [[/underlined in red]] was on the top of all his glory in opening his Gigantic Skyscraper Opera house in Chicago which he had erected to spite Mrs McCormick, daughter of John D. Rockefeller in his rivalry for wielding the Social Skepter in that [[strikethrough]] ct [[/strikethrough]] City and now [[strikethrough]] keeps [[/strikethrough]] is a hiding old man of 73 in Greece, yesterday was weeping there before the men who want to extradite him and put him in prison. What a life!
Many office letters coming in from office and everywhere. Same old routine begins.
This evening at 9 P.M. listened on Radio to [[underlined in red]] Hoover's speech in St. Louis [[/underlined in red]] before a numerous and wildly cheering audience. Excellent, forceful speech well delivered, refuting all the absurdities and [[underlined in red]] endless promises of Franklin Roosevelt. [[/underlined in red]]
[[note in left margin in red]]
Frank Roosevelt [[/note in left margin]]
[[underlined]] Nov 5. [[/underlined]] Evening went to Commodore Munroe for short visit.
[[underlined]] Nov 6 Sunday. [[/underlined]] Restful sunny day. Nobody to disturb me. 
Excellent music on the Radio all afternoon.
[[underlined]] Nov 7 [[/underlined]] Celine arrived at 7 AM. cloudy and rainey, clearing afternoon with moonlight on evening
[[underlined]] Nov. 8. [[/underlined]] Election day. Were at the [[underlined in red]] polling place, Coconut Grove City Hall [[/underlined in red]] before 8 A.M when polls
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[[note in left margin in red]] Hoover [[/left margin red]]
were open, but already about [[underlined in red]] 30 people standing [[/underlined in red]] before us. All very [[underlined in red]] quiet and orderly and [[strikethrough]] no [[/strikethrough]] ^[[both]] finished voting [[/underlined in red]] (for Hoover) at about 8:30 A M. We have very little hope of seeing him elected. The people [[strikethrough]] in the [[/strikethrough]] all over the country want to wreak their resentment about the business depression, so they [[underlined in red]] want to take it out on one of the very best men who ever served their interests. [[/underlined in red]]
Rain remainder of the day and very sultry, but no mosquitoes since I arrived here.
[[note in left margin in red]]
Frank Roosevelt elected [[/note in left margin]]
Evening returns by Radio leave little doubt about the [[underlined in red]] election of  Franklin Roosevelt. [[/underlined in red]] - So we went to bed early.
[[underlined]] November 9. [[/underlined]] More rain. The Everglades are flooded. Sweeping election in favor of [[underlined in red]] Roosevelt. Hoover only carried seven states. [[/underlined in red]] Tammany gang etc. all elected in New York. The people simply wanted a change regardless of facts and common sense. - Just like children.
Mrs [[underlined in red]] Halsted Ritter [[/underlined in red]] visited at noon 
Hurricane announced approaching Cuba and Jamaica doing great damage. - People concerned whether it may strike here. - Sultry weather suddenly stopped by Northerly wind and temperatures dropping from 82°F to 70°. Sunsets in bright green sky, which gives a bright green color to landscape while sky over sea is gray. - [[underlined in red]] Andrew tells me this is a hurricane sky. [[/underlined in red]] Barometer went down 3/10 of an inch but is now slowly rising at 6 P.M. - Evening Celine went with me to a photoplay at the Coconut Grove Theatre describing [[underlined in red]] Jimmie Walker the "Night Mayor" of New York [[/underlined in red]] and his "play boy career, and his tricks. 

Transcription Notes:
'underlined in red' is the same as 'red underlined' Why spend time changing?