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and how well he has succeeded of growing various [[red underlined]] tropical plants [[/red underline]] in the shade of the [[red underline]] thick jungle [[/red underline]] Weather again sultry altho' it freezes in most of the Southern parts of the U.S.
[[note in left margin in red
George Baekeland suggesting my retirement
[[/note in left margin]]
[[red underlined]] George [[/red underline]] wrote me a letter concerning a conversation he had with [[red underline]] Whitaker [[/red underline]] to come closer to [[red underline]] Cyanamid Co. [[/red underline]] Writes also that if I only stay with Bakelite on account of consideration for him (George) altho' he appreciates the sentiment, I should mot make this sacrifice on account of him and thus load me with irksome responsibilities at an age when I am entitled to rest. [[red underline]] He does not seem to realize that the reason I do not want to relinquish my authority and cooperation in Bakelite, is the fear that George altho an intelligent man has committed several blunders in judgement in business affairs when he lacked my experience of having to build up a business with limited means. His [[/red underline]] generosity in business matters and his attitude on subjects in which he gets to enthusiastic as in the [[red underline]] Pantone & [[Harsbeger?]] [[/red underline]] matters and other occasion [[red underline]] frightens [[/red underline]] me. I am now supporting Nina's family and her husband and I [[red underline]] sought to avoid to see George and his family adrift in the [[/red underline]] same way. He never told me about his financial situation but I fear it is not brilliant 
If we merge with [[red underline]] Cyanamid [[/red underline]] or any other company I fear seeing him eliminated in favor of such men as Sanford Brown and put adrift [[red underline]] trying to get a foothold in other enterprises where taking [[/red underline]] financial risks he may lose 
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the little fortune I have built up for our childes and grand children.
[[note in left margin in red]]
Fairchild overloading himself
[[/note in left margin]]
Dr. [[red underline]] Fairchild [[/red underline]] came here this afternoon for a glass of [[red underline]] beer [[/red underline]] and we had a long and very interesting chat together until evening. We had not seen each other since May and had so many things to talk about. I warned him he should not overload himself with too many new duties. They have roped him in with Miami University which is very short of funds and he is so good natured to let himself be overloaded with so many things by people who take advantage of his good nature. - I reminded him of the sad endings of C.P. Townsend and what is happening now to Redman.
[[strikethrough]] A [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Granite]] shaft is being unveiled today in memory of the first flight of the Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk. I send a telegram of congratulations to [[red underline]] Orville Wright [[/red underline]]
[[underline]] Sunday Nov 20. [[/underline]] 
[[note in left margin in red]] Ninette
[[/note in left margin]]
A bright but cool day. Remained home all day putting things in shape and packing. Celine wrote me about little [[red underline]] Ninette Roll who is still quite a problem in her schools. [[/red underline]] She is unruly, does not concentrate is always full of mischief, and a problem for teachers and parents. In every school they are at [[strikethrough]] her [[/strikethrough]] their wits ends with her. She is behind her class everywhere and [[red underline]] does not care.[[/red underline]] She is always ready to upset the class by her little mischievous tricks. Nothing bad