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and [[strikethrough]] our loan [[/strikethrough]] remainder of an [[red underline]] $550000 [[/red underline]] now  existing as guaranty for their overdraft - for building expenses) to be released. [[red underline]] Rossi, Sanfor Brown [[/red underline]] and myself [[red underline]] in favor, George tentative [[/red underine]] but will discuss further after analysing situation. [[strikethrough]] Evening was at U.C. [[/strikethrough]] 
[[underline]] Dec. 6. [[/underline]] [[red underline]] Redman [[/red underline]] came at office. Is back from his vacation. - Is cheerful but still needs quiet life and rest. Advised him to do so, and not to fatigue himself by being too strenuous. Told him Weith attends to all routine work and will save him much bother 
[[underline]] Dec 7. [[/underline]] At office all day very busy as usually
[[underline]] Dec 8. [[/underline]] Lectured at [[red underline]] Columbia to our Chemical Engineering students. [[/red underline]] About 160 present in large Chandler Auditorium 
Subject = The development stage of [[red underline]] chemical inventions [[/red underline]] - Very well received and attentive listeners
[[note in left margin]] Took Prof. van Roosebloem to University Club for luncheon
[[/note in left margin]]
[[underline]] Dec. 9. [[/underline]] Visit of Borden with an introduction of Gen. Squier for an invention using Bakelite, referred him to [[strikethrough]] San [[/strikethrough]] Sanford Brown 
Afternoon [[red underline]] Mr. Ward, president of Irving Trust [[/red underline]] paid friendly visit to my office to get acquainted also in relation to loans of [[red underline]] Alan Brown and Berliss [[/red underline]] which his bank made in 1929 and now overdue. Advised leniency and told him why [[strikethrough]] net [[/strikethrough]] neither Bakelite Corporation nor I myself can lend him money at present or buy his stocks. Gave him all details about the shape of our liquid assets and balance sheet, etc - Seemed much impressed. 
[[underline]] Dec 10. [[/underline]] Luncheon with speech by [[red underline]] Lamott Dupont [[/red underline]] on Tariff and War debts at the Chemists Club. Very much  
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crowded dining room. Both [[red underline]] Sprechels [[/red underline]] and Lammot [[red underline]] Dupont [[/red underline]] made good speeches. But the occasion was spoiled by [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] Lewis, the president of the Club who showed in his introductions unmistakable signs of having drunk too much. Met many old friends, then went to U.C. for supper
[[underline]] Dec. 11. Sunday. [[/underline]] Everything covered with first snow, [[red underline]] Brooksie [[/red underline]]  here with his [[red underline]] sled. [[/red underline]] Bothered with sleighers and skis trying to use our lower lawn. First a few then too many. Quite a nuisance. Requested them to try another place, which they did. Wrote my annual report for 1932 stockholders meeting & directors. 
Studied curriculum of the proposed candidates for the Chandler Medal Curme, Browne of Washington, Midgeley Metzger [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] and others.
[[underline]] Dec 13. [[/underline]] Thurlow at office. Gave me his proxy for stockholders meeting. Approves non payment of dividends until we again earn money. Says he has over $5000 a year income for his investments. Told him situation of our business and prospects also why until now we have not gone into aminoplastics. 
Called up Barret of Union Carbide asking him [[strikethrough]] about [[/strikethrough]] whether it was true Curme would not be allowed to accept Chandler medal for fear he might declare important [[strikethrough]] chemi [[/strikethrough]] mfg or research secrets [[underline]] Dec. 14 [[/underline]] Barret at my office. Had pleasant chat on subject of Curme. Told him I made my lecture [[strikethrough]] on subject [[/strikethrough]] of Chandler Medal on subjects entirely outside my own work etc. 
I find that except a first loan to Redman in 1928 which was submitted to my approval, [[strikethrough]] all sub [[/strikethrough]] there is no record in the minutes of the subsequent loans to Redman 

Transcription Notes:
Made only a couple of changes in this edit.. Lammot du Pont added word 'our' under Dec 8 Changed Curine to 'Curme' (Dr. George Oliver Curme, the winner of the Chandler Medal in 1933)