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my room had dropped to 44°F So dressed and with help of Dick got the motor going again But at 5 AM got awakened again for same cause, etc. Very little sleep.
[[left margin]] Elon Hooker [[/left margin]]
[[underline]] Dec. 16 [[/underline]] Went to [[red underline]] Elon Hooker's [[/red underline]] imposing office and had a [[red underline]] long talk [[/red underline]] with him on various matters and old times. His offices on top of the Lincoln building show an extraordinary view over all the skyscrapers, buildings, waters etc of the center region of New York We spoke of our own problems  [[strikeout]] whi [[/strikeout]] in relation to the business enterprises we both founded and which involve problems strikingly similar [[red underline]] He also controls the company of which he is president, [[/red underline]] and looks forward to heavy death taxes which might rob his [[strikethrough]] successors [[/strikethrough]] heirs from his dominating position: [[red underline]] His stock like mine is not listed on the exchange [[/red underline]]  
[[left margin]] John D. Rockefeller Jr [[/left margin]]
He [[red underline]] has no sons only daughters [[/red underline]] but expressed the possibility that [[red underline]] "John" [[/red underline]] by which he meant his recently acquired son in law [[red underline]] John D. Rockefeller III [[/red underline]] might possible take the lead. He kept me so long that at twelve I had to hurry to my office to attend to various matters
Dick drove me to U.C. for luncheon then home. [[red underline]] (See page 25 - continuation [[/red underline]]
[[underline]] Dec. 17. [[/underline]] Bottled 4 demi johns 20 gal. of my [[red underline]] Delaware wine, fermented this fall. - 1 Demi John left. [[/red underline]] - Then drove to University Club to dinner in [[red underline]] honor of Pupin who retires as [[/red underline]] President of the University Club
(See further on page 25)
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[red underline]] (continued of Dec. 16) [[/red underline]] At 4 P.M meeting at Prof. Hixon's office with Prof. Thomas. We are committee for discussing award of Chandler Medal and Chandler lecture for 1932. After short discussion we agreed on [[red underline]] Dr. Curme [[/red underline]] as first choice and Dr. Browne of Bureau of Chemistry as second choice
[[line across page]]
[[left margin]] [[red underline]] Pupin dinner [[/red underline]] retires as President of U.C [[/left margin]]
[[underline]] Dec 17 [[/underline]] (continued from page 24) and [[red underline]] Thomas Lamont [[/red underline]] of J.P. Morgan & Co is his successor Much snow and cold drive
Large dining room of U. Club is well filled. I was placed at the speakers table [[red underline]] on the right of Pupin [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Pupin [[/red underline]] on the left of [[red underline]] Thomas Lamont. [[/red underline]] on my right was [[red underline]] Hobart Porter [[/red underline]] and on the left of Lamont was [[red underline]] Wickersham [[/red underline]] so that I was lost among president and past presidents of the Club.
[[left margin]] Thomas Lamont. [[/left margin]]
Thomas [[red underline]] Lamont [[/red underline]] made an excellent introduction to [[red underline]] Pupin [[/red underline]] whose subject a message from Science was listened to with close attention and was warmly applauded. Before his lecture Pupin found out he [[red underline]] had forgotten his reading glasses, [[/red underline]] he tried my [[strikethrough[[ bisa [[/strikethrough]] bifocal spectacles, also those of Lamont, but none suited, so we hurried a messenger by Taxicab to his appartments at The Dakota, he brought back 3 spectacles but not the right ones. So [[red underline]] Pupin [[/red underline]]

Transcription Notes:
Elon Huntington Hooker