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[[left margin]] Pupin's speech [[/left margin]]
delivered his [[red underline]] lecture without [[/red underline]] notes and did it wonderfully well.  He wound up by:
"If there is a taint of materialism in this power age, don't charge it against the sciences, which have discovered the various forms of power and developed them for mankind Blame it against the spiritual unpreparedness of mankind to enjoy these gifts that have been brought thru power; [[strikethrough]] pl [[/strikethrough]] blame political Science, sociology, psychology and theology for not teaching mankind that there are spiritual powers in the human heart and directing men to employ their spiritual powers for the good of mankind as science has done with the physical power."
Stayed at Club for supper and Dick drove me home over the white streets amongst snow flurries [[strikethrough]] alt [[/strikethrough]] in New York as well as in the country
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[[underline]] Dec. 18. [[/underline]] Sunday. Landscape all white. [[red underline]] Dickey, Celine Roll, [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Ninette [[/red underline]] here all day playing in the snow and sleigh riding. When I see them at this sport I remember that it is almost 30 years ago that their parents were as eagerly engaged in these snow sports. So one generation follows another. Bad news from George's house: [[red underline]] Cornelia dislocated her shoulder [[/red underline]] last night while ski-ing at the Golf Club and is suffering much and shall have to go to the hospital [[red underline]] Ninette [[/red underline]] stayed here overnight and I found the little thing [[red underline]] playing contract bridge [[/red underline]] cards against her grand'ma.
[[underline]] Dec 19. [[/underline]] Called up [[red underline]] Barret [[/red underline]] to inform him confidentially that [[red underline]] Curme [[/red underline]] had been selected for Chandler Medal but the selection had still to be approved by President Butler. Went for medical examination 11 AM to Life extension institute. Also