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the most fun with their presents placed around the tree. Little [[red underline]] Freddie [[/red underline]] had a miniature toy-farm. At George's home this morning he received a miniature [[red underline]] milk wagon [[/red underline]] with ditto horse and equipment. He was so happy that immediately he exclaimed: [[red underline]] "Why did [[strikethrough]] Sto [/strikethrough]] Santa Clause not bring me that last Christmas!" [[/red underline]] We were thirteen at the table, [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] presiding [[/strikethrough]] at one end I at the other with [[red underline]] Brooksie [[/red underline]] on my [[strikethrough]] right [[/strikethrough]] ^[[left]] & [[red underline]] Peter [[/red underline]] on my right. [[strikethrough]] An enormous and [[/strikethrough]]  Meal was simplified for service by omitting Soup or hors d'oeuvres, [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] The main article was a huge well prepared turkey and [[strikethrough]] be [[/strikethrough]] string beans then white ice cream & cake after which they all were eager to slip away and play with their toys. [[red underline]] George Roll [[/red underline]] looks well and cheerful notwithstanding his long period of non employment. Weather is mild
[[left margin]] Amongst the surprises to others, one was destined for me: [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] while ever busy had found the time to knit me a pair of [[red underline]] heavy socks [[/red underline]] for Christmas, aside of all the socks she has knitted for the grand'children! How kind! [[/left margin]]
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50°F and all snow gone. George B. and I talked over the recent interview with [[red underline]] Whitaker [[/red underline]] in regard to urea plastics which took place at my office Friday afternoon Dec. 23.. At this meeting [[red underline]] Whitaker [[/red underline]] announced that Bakelite Gesellschaft had lost their annulment action in Germany. W. now proposes we should take over the process and pay them a royalty per lb. and gave us information about all the money they ^[[(General Plastics)]] had already spent on urea ware I suggested [[strikethrough]] forming a [[/strikethrough]] that we should enter the [[red underline]] General Plastics Co. 50-50 [[/red underline]] similarly as we have done for Pantone, Bakelite Building Products and for Rogers paper, [[red underline]] we ^[[Bakelite Corp]] to manufacture and sell, [[/red underline]] and charging alloted expenses to General Plastics, and that [[red underline]] General plastics should receive compensation for past expenses by an [[/red underline]] amount of preferred stock to be alloted to them on its merits