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[[red underline]] in her amateur painting. [[/red underline]] Today she made two landscapes within a few hours, and they are good. Excellent music on Radio.
[[underline]] Jan 2. 1933. [[/underline]] Bright and calm Drove to University Club at 11.AM for participating at the Annual New Years luncheon. Cough has almost disappeared. At our table were [[red underline]] Bridges, Holden, Sprague & Judge Ordway, [[/red underline]] very pleasant luncheon. [[red underline]] Pupin [[/red underline]] is at Norfolk. Dick came to fetch me at 3 P.M. Bright weather.
[[underline]] Jan 3 [[/underline]] - At 9 P.M. to the dentist. Gold crown on two lower molars. Then to office.
[[vertical notation in left margin in red]] Adirondacks [[/left margin]]
[[underline]] Jan 4. [[/underline]]  Conference with [[red underline]] Hays, Holmgren & Horn [[/red underline]] directing them to devise a method by which [[strikethrough]] ler [[/strikethrough]] order for [[red underline]] checks [[/red underline]] should be  [[red underline]] counter checked [[/red underline]] first [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] Baekeland back from Adirondacks with [[red underline]] Dicky, Brooksie [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Celine Roll. [[/red underline]]  There was little snow and temperature did not go below -10°F, but the Lake was frozen clear so they built a sled and rigged mast and sail on it for Ice-yachting
[[vertical notation in left margin in red]] Cyanamid [[/left margin]]
[[underline]] Jan 5. [[/underline]]  Long conference with [[red underline]] Weith [[/red underline]] about pending matters. [[red underline]] Redman [[/red underline]] is back but [[red underline]] still tires easily [[/red underline]] told him to go slowly
Whitaker in conference with me, George B, then later Rossi & Weith. [[strikethrough]] We prop [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Whitaker [[/red underline]] says: [[strikethrough]] His [[/strikethrough]] Synthetic plastics Co (subsidiary of [[red underline]] Cyanamid [[/red underline]] wants to sue Plashon for infringement of their patents: Wants us to take out a license a 1c. to 2 1/2c
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[[vertical notation left margin in red]] Cyanamid wants us to become stockholder at favorable terms. [[\left margin]]
per lb. of molding material made from [[red underline]] urea [[/red underline]] or [[red underline]] sulfo urea [[/red underline]] plastics, so as to [[red underline]] point out that we, foremost in the art found it necessary to obtain license. [[/red underline]] He wants to do this immediately so as to [[red underline]] enable them [[/red underline]] to [[red underline]] start [[/red underline]] their suit without delay. His [[red underline]] terms are very liberal; [[/red underline]] We can drop the license [[strikethrough]] anything b [[/strikethrough]] any time but as long as we are licensed we remain the only licensees. This arrangement is [[red underline]] preliminary [[/red underline]] step for [[red underline]] reorganising Synthetic Plastics Co [[/red underline]] in [[red underline]] which we become half stockholders [[/red underline]] We all consider this a very favorable arrangement. [[red underline]] Contract [[/red underline]]  is [[red underline]] being drawn up to this effect [[/red underline]] by Hays & Holmgren
[[vertical notation in left margin in red]] Century Club 12th night [[/left margin]]
[[underline]] Jan 6. [[/underline]]  [[red underline]] "Twelfth Night Celebration" [[/red underline]] at [[red underline]] Century Club [[/red underline]] tonight. So engaged room at University Club and took supper there before going to Century. Arrived there with [[red underline]] Robert Bridges [[/red underline]] about one hour sooner.  He had already dressed at University Club in a long [[strikethrough]] embroydered [[/strikethrough]] embroidered robe of a [[red underline]] "Byzantine", [[/red underline]] looking very funny with his black trousers protruding below and a stiff Derby hat on his head. - I had no indicated costume but all there like myself got a [[red underline]] white muslin toga [[/red underline]] etc of a Roman Senators, which we had to slip over our collars and taking our shoes off replace them with [[red underline]] Roman leather Sandals. [[/red underline]] All this occurred in the billiard room. The Billiard tables were covered

Transcription Notes:
Plashon is probably Plasson - a plastics manufacturer