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[[left margin in red]] Century Club evening [[/left margin]]
to the limit with bundles, paper wrapped indicated the name of [[strikethrough]] him [[/strikethrough]] to whom each bundle belong. The picking out of my bundle took quite some time, among the crowded Centurians, either looking for their costume or engaging in efforts to don their dress after they had found it.  [[red underline]] Some had very elaborate costumes [[/red underline]]
all relating however to the reign of Julius Cesar. At each billiard table was a hired costumer who helped them to put on their costume
In another part of the room was a professional theatrical man who painted faces, arms and legs and put on false beards, [[strikethrough]] hair [[/strikethrough]] wigs eyebrows etc.
When we got ready we went to the floor above but were not allowed to advance thru the gate which led to the Exhibition room and of which the doors were closed and guarded by a squadron of Roman Centurions, in armour and provided with lances, until a [[red underline]] sound of Roman clad trumpeters [[/red underline]] announced the opening of the gates. In we walked. [[red underline]] Wickersham [[/red underline]] of 18th amendment fame, [[red underline]] took me by the arm, laughing in his wide white moustache and we walked [[/red underline]] at the head of our squadron, into the Exhibition Room where our earlier arrivals all dressed as we in white muslin red bordered Roman togas were seated on 
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[[left margin in red]] Century Club [[/left margin]]
a quadrant row of 3 benches along the four walls. All men raising their right hands to the Roman Salute while the music played. I was assigned to my [[strikethrough]] chair [[/strikethrough]] seat on the front row. - Then silence while our negro-servants of the club, bare legged, bare armed and bare footed, and dressed as Ethopian slaves served us Roman Punch. Their grinning and nimble footedness made them look as is they had played this role since they were born. - They all seemed to enjoy greatly the travesty. Once in a while the door opened for new arrivals. [[red underline]] Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler [[/red underline]] had quite a triumph and had a special blue toga.
Then was announced Julius Cesar, preceded by a scroll bearers announcing that [[red underline]] Elihu Root, [[/red underline]] our former President had been elected to appear as [[red underline]] Julius Cesar, [[/red underline]] but on account of ability to be present had delegated the honor to my ^[[old]] friend [[red underline]] Henry de Forest Baldwin [[/red underline]] Treasurer of the Club.
[[left margin in red]] Baldwin [[/left margin]]
- So Baldwin marched forth in his purple mantle and golden laurel wreath on his head, under exclamation of 'Ave Cesar' - Ave Cesar" and musical marches. He sat down on [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] his chair which looked to me as if it had been borrowed from one of our [[strikethrough]] mes [[/strikethrough]] musea. Took [[red underline]] golden skeptre [[/red underline]] in hand

Transcription Notes:
on the second page, the name 'Elihu Root' may be 'Eliker Root'