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[[left margin in red]] Century Club Baldwin [[/left margin]]
and with his [[red underline]] Roman prophile [[/red underline]] played the role admirably Then came visitors from the different parts of the Roman Empire of Julius Cesar.  Warrior of Gaul, subdued Barbarians, among which representative of the Cave Dwellers (my friend [[red underline]] Thomas Robbins [[/red underline]] of the U.S. Naval Consulting Board) with his [[red underline]] ferocious looking wig [[/red underline]] and ditto beard, and a club in his hand, and covered with [[red underline]] tiger skins. [[/red underline]] Then the [[red underline]] blind poet [[/red underline]] lead by a cripple.  [[red underline]] Dr. Johnson former Ambassador to Italy [[/red underline]] in a white gown and silver white laurels on his head, which with his large white beard made an excellent picture. Then the Poet Laureate, also in pale robes & ditto laurel wreath represented by [[red underline]] Dr. Tinley [[/red underline]] of the New York Times who presented an ode to Cesar, half latin half American slang translations A great success
Then liontamers, soothsayers, magicians, etc
Here the program [[red underline]] took a false turn [[/red underline]] by introducing [[red underline]] some hired dancers, [[/red underline]] and acrobats which altho they performed well, disturbed the feeling "en famille" which we had by our own member performers of the Club
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[[left margin in red]] Century Club [[/left margin]]
Then we moved to the large library room, where similar performances had going on and where the walls of books had been hidden by decorative panels representing Roman landscapes of the times of Julius Cesar.
Then finally we all assemble in one room, some standing some seating on benches and most of them squatting on the floor while [[red underline]] Dr. Nicholas Murray [[/red underline]] Butler, presented an address half poem half prose leading to [[red underline]] Vivat. Centuria. [[/red underline]] very well done.
A collation was served in the restaurant but I walked back to the U.C. delighted that my cold was gone and that I had been able to participate at this ceremony and meet so many Centurian friends I had not seen for such a long time.
To bed at 12, but could not fall asleep, so read the contract [[strikethrough]] George had [[/strikethrough]] our lawyers had drawn up relative to the [[red underline]] Cynamid [[/red underline]] - amino-products license. - Pleasant sleep but up early and to office
[[underline]] Jan 7 [[/underline]] Discussed [[red underline]] Whitaker [[/red underline]] license with George and Rossi and all made some suggestions. The question