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now is to [[red underline]] get this matter thru as soon as possible. [[/red underline]]
[[left margin in red and underlined]] Harsberger [[/left margin]]
[[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] announced very favorable reports about [[red underline]] Harsberger [[/red underline]] matter and it looks as if this tile propositions [[red underline]] has great results in sight [[/red underline]] Took luncheon at University Club where Dick came to fetch me at 1:30 P.M Drove home. Pleasant supper with Celine and drove to Pa Station where train [[red underline]] left for Florida at 10:05 P.M. [[/red underline]]  Weather mild
[[left margin in red]] Frenee Dupont [[/left margin]]
[[underline]] Jan 8. [[/underline]] (Sunday)  Read all day principally that inspiring book of [[red underline]] Dr. Hale: Chemistry Triumphant. [[/red underline]] Met nobody I knew except Mr. [[red underline]] Frenie Dupont [[/red underline]] who with his wife, children and grandchildren is going to [[red underline]] Varadero, [[/red underline]] Cuba where he has a winter house. Invited me to his compartment where he offered refreshments and where we had a very interesting talk about chemical industry in the past and present, political matters etc. All very pleasant and so to bed. I have abstained from taking supper and [[strikethrough]] feel [[/strikethrough]] sleep better by it.
[[left margin in red]] Anchorage [[/left margin]]
[[underline]] Jan 9 [[/underline]]  Arrived [[red underline]] Miami [[/red underline]] at Daybreak 6:30 A.M. Andrew there with wagon to drive me home. Weather mild and not too warm. Bought supplies at Piggley Wigley grocery stores. Garden and house all spick and span. Rushed out of my [[strikethrough]] warm [[/strikethrough]] winter clothes and underwear and
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after a swim in the limpid water of our tank donned same old white cotton trousers and light white shirt and canvass rubber shoes without stocks and feel my old self again
Mild weather 79-75°  Bougainvillas and other flowers at their best altho' [[red underline]] rain has been scarce. Mangoes [[/red underline]] are [[red underline]] already blossoming [[/red underline]] so are [[red underline]] Avocadoes. [[/red underline]] All due to mild winter. Lowest temperature thus far during the winter season has been 50°F
[[underline]] Jan 10 [[/underline]] Wrote [[red underline]] George B. [[/red underline]] in answer to his proposition of [[strikethrough]] having [[/strikethrough]] acquiring an [[red underline]] option on a small tire [[/red underline]] factory
[[left margin]] Blacks Place for sale [[in red]] Richard Seabury [[/in red]] [[/left margin]]
Dr. [[red underline]] Cary Hutchinson [[/red underline]] visited here, is at El Dorado with his wife. Then came [[red underline]] Richard Seabury [[/red underline]] who tells me [[red underline]] intends buying Harry Black [[/red underline]] place [[red underline]] for 16000$ [[/red underline]] if I do not object to it.
Told him I offered $10000 and he may get it for $12000 instead of 16000.  Advised him not to carry out his intentions of dredging and filling in etc. until he has become well acquainted with the property, and then let the job been done in summer under clear specifications. [[strikethrough] He [[/strikethrough]]
Afterwards visit of Mrs. [[red underline]] Bingham [[/red underline]] daughter of [[red underline]] Mrs. Todd [[/red underline]] who wants to rent house of her deceased mother.
Rain this afternoon