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[[left margin in red]] Hooker [[/left margin]] Feb. 19. (Sunday) 1933. Sent additional night letter telegram to [[red underline]] Weith [[/red underline]] advising on necessary corrections to paper of Morey on the monograph of Plastics 
Went to visit [[red underline]] Elon Hooker [[/red underline]] and his family at the house of the [[red underline]] Trimbles [[/red underline]] Mrs. Elon Hooker, and her daughter Mr & Mrs. Harry Hooker and his stepdaughter. They stay with Mrs. Trimble (Hooker's sister) until March when the latters house is rented for the season. The [[red underline]] Hookers revenue from Hooker dividends [[/red underline]] has been cut off as well as dividends of D.M Ferry & Co. [[/red underline]]- So they all aim at economy like everyone else
[[underline]] Feb 20. [[/underline]] Went out first time this year for a short run of ION. which has been put in commission for Washington Birthday Yachter meeting. Engine ran very well.
[[left margin]] [[red underline]] Frieda Nelson [[/red underline]] our maid and cook arrived here by steamer this morning [[/left margin]]
[[underline]] Feb 21 [[/underline]] Putty in ice, and supplies for ION for tomorrow
[[strikeout]] last [[/strikeout]] Answer to Rossi about grinding wheel proposed license contract sent by Air mail. An [[red underline]] attempt to control the grinding wheel situation [[/red underline]] instead of sueing. Stokes Smith by alloting term 25% of the trade
[[left margin in red]] ION [[/left margin]]
[[underline]] Feb 22 [[/underline]] [[red underline]] Washington Birthday [[/red underline]] Beautiful weather as usually Left at 8AM sharp with Celine, and no others except Andrews and myself Arrived at the [[red underline]] "Hacienda" [[/red underline]] dock of Mathesons (on Key Biscayne) at [[red underline]] 9. AM [[/red underline]] The first of all boat. Delightfully restful. Found already the [[red underline]] six enormous caldrons [[/red underline]] suspended over the wood fire, boiling the fish chowder for the festivity Celine started sketching but after 
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[[left margin in red]] Meeting at Hacienda [[/left margin]]
about 2 hours for it so many boats began to arrive that she had to stop her work to greet the many acquaintances. The usual ceremony of the tasting [[strikeout]] and [[/strikeout]] of [[strikeout]] dirte [[/strikeout]] the [[red underline]] fish chowder [[/red underline]] this time by old [[red underline]] admiral Baush [[/red underline]] accompane by Commodore Hugh Matheson etc Then distribution of fish chowder. [[red underline]] The daughter of Elon H. Hooker, [[/red underline]] who was the one of her family present joined me and Celine to eat our lunch under one of the palm leaf roofed Seminole huts. Then visiting from one yacht to another. I offered [[strikeout]] her a [[/strikeout]] home made beer and my grape fruit wine which was much appreciated
[[right margin in red[[ Henry L Dougherty [[/right margin]]
My old friend [[red underline]] Colonel Henry L. Dougherty, [[/red underline]] who has become famous here since he purchased the [[red underline]] Miami Biltmore hotel [[/red underline]] and is the leader in [[red underline]] booming Miami, [[/red underline]] was there and recognised me at once. His straight hair and beard have turned white by he is the [[red underline]] same cheerful [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] outspoken man as of the times of our Inventory Guild of 18 years ago. [[/red underline]]. So we had a cheerful talk of reminiscences and departed friends etc [[red underline]] Doherty tells me: [[/red underline]] "I [[red underline]] came to Miami to get a rest, but I have not had a single hour to myself." [[/red underline]] I fear that the continuous round of meetings and festivities will kill him. His young recently married wife seems to enjoy society and all the nonsense that goes with it. I [[red underline]] fear Doherty will not [[/red underline]] [[left margin in red starting]] H.L. Doherty  Yachts [[/left margin]] 

Transcription Notes:
Elon Hooker (Elon Huntington Hooker) is correct D.M. Ferry is correct