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[[left margin in red]] Fish chowder! [[/left margin]]
[[red underline]] be able to stand that pace [[/red underline]] The [[red underline]] fish chowder meeting [[/red underline]] was like every one of its predecessors (since 47 years!) a perfect success But every year some of the former friends are missing, departed forever This year is the first time that [[red underline]] Com. Ralph Munroe, [[/red underline]] (who was the [[red underline]] originator [[/red underline]] of these nautical Washington day celebrations 47 years ago) was not present because he cannot with stand the strain His son Wirth with his recently married wife came to see me; also his daughter Paddy Munroe (Mrs. Catlow) We left one of the very last at about 4 P.M. and reached our harbor very much elated by a happy day where everyone seemed [[red underline]] happy notwithstanding [[/red underline]] the [[red underline]] depression, which [[red underline]] has hit everybody [[/red underline]] [[underline]] Feb. 23 [[/underline]] [[strikeout]] 24 [[/strikeout]]. Busy day as usually
[[underline]] Feb 24 [[/underline]] - Ditto. Went out sailing this afternoon. Rudder got caught in a fish trap and broke off. Managed to reach my harbor by steering with one of my oars.
[[underline]] Feb 25 [[/underline]] Celine and myself left at 9AM to visit the [[red underline]] Downer's. [[/red underline]] Thomas tells me [[red underline]] El Jardin can be bought for 50000$ cash! [[/red underline]] The taxes of the last few years have cost as much.
Afternoon Mr [[red underline]] Sandford [[/red underline]] of Yonkers came to drive us to a most beautiful property on the Bay with Palatial house. on Bricknell Boulevard which was sold for [[red underline]] $25000 [[/red underline]]. then drove us to Coral Gables etc. 
[[left margin in red]] El Jardin offered at 50000$ [[/left margin]] 
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[[left margin in red]] Bender [[/left margin]]
[[underline]] Feb 26 [[/underline]] (Sunday). Corrected [[red underline]] Bender's [[/red underline]] article on Plastics also some corrections on his lecture before Bakelite Research Club all which I mailed by express delivery.
[[strikeout]] Celine at [[/strikeout]] The [[red underline]] Livermores [[/red underline]] called then Mrs. Fairchild with Mrs. Wooton? to take Celine to a ladies luncheon at the Surf Club in Miami Beach. They returned at 3 P.M while I was swimming.
[[left margin in red]] Kirk Brown [[/left margin]]
[[underline]] Feb 27 [[/underline]]. Cool night 60˚F. Received new edition of Laminated book by [[red underline]] Allan Brown good work Kirk Brown [[/red underline]] visited here. Came to see whether we could give him our [[red underline]] varnish testing [[/red underline]]/ Told him we had just increased our exposure frames so as to save the money we paid to other testing stations. -  But shall try to see whether we cannot give him some of the work. [[strikeout]] Told him [[/strikeout]] Showed him our latest financial reports etc and decreased general situation of Bakelite [[strikeout]] Hays [[/strikeout]] A letter from [[red underline]] Hays [[/red underline]] dated Feb. 25. tells how [[red underline]] all banks in U.S [[/red underline]] are threatened with withdrawals of deposits since Senate investigation [[strikeout]] and [[/strikeout]] concerning [[red underline]] National City Bank and its President [[/red underline]] Mitchell that depositors are transferring their funds to the larger New York banks. All this [[red underline]] commotion [[/red underline]] brings about considerable [[red underline]] further drop in stocks and bonds. [[/red underline]] Even Liberty Bonds are affected. - This scare has been caused by the publicity throughout the land of the testimony obtained by the Senate investigation of National City Bank & [[red underline]] Mitchell's admissions [[/red underline]] .- Altho all this had been thoroughly revealed in [[left margin in red]] Drop in stocks & bonds! [[/left margin]]