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[[red underline]] banks refuse to cash her check. [[/red underline]] - These are [[red underline]] disturbing times [[/red underline]] and it looks as if moratorium might extend. 
[[underline]] March. 2 [[/underline]] 
[[left margin in red]] Roessler & amino plastics [[/left margin]]
Received from New York by wire copy of a 3 page cablegram from [[red underline]] Bakelite Gesellschaft asking ^[[our]] consent for  entering into a combination with Roessler [[/red underline]] for exploitation of [[red underline]] Amino plastic [[/red underline]] patents. Sent long night letter follow by written letter giving my views and [[red underline]] urging great caution etc [[/red underline]] also urge [[red underline]] to explain whole situation to Whitaker on whose tact and fairness we can rely. [[/red underline]]
Paid [[red underline]] $14400.00 extra for additional tax to my 1931 tax. [[/red underline]] Cool night 50°F
[[underline]] March 3. [[/underline]] Sent [[red underline]] additional telegram to  George about Roessler proposition and that R. is probably hard up on liquid assets and wants to get some immediate cash from Bakelite Gesellschaft [[/red underline]] instead of possible doubtful cash from German Chemical Trust. Cool last night. 48°F
[[underline]] March 4 [[/underline]] Got cablegram from London Bakelite Ltd about my trip to Europe. - Wired answer to N.Y office
[[left margin in red]] Roosevelt inauguration [[/left margin]]
Listened much of day to Washington Radio broadcasting of [[red underline]] Roosevelt inauguration [[/red underline]]. George sent me report [[strikethrough]] of a [[/strikethrough]] by Air mail of [[red underline]] our new colored molding mixture which can be sold at 18¢ per lb. [[/red underline]] and thus become [[red underline]] strong competitor of aminoplastics [[/red underline]] 
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[[underline]] Sunday March [[strikethrough]] 15 [[/strikethrough]] 5. [[/underline]] Wired George to [[red underline]] cable Sachs disproportionate figure of sales he would to incur before clearing his risk by money outlay. [[/red underline]] etc. 
[[left margin in red]] Whitaker Cynamid contract offered [[/left margin]]
Also some suggestions as to [[red underline]] Whitaker - Cyanamid [[/red underline]] contract (Synthetic plastics Spent all day writing belated letters [[red underline]] 
[[left margin in red]] Hooker family visit [[/left margin in red]]
Hooker family came here [[/red underline]] - Elon H. Mrs. H. Harry H. Mrs. H.H and daughter also Miss Adeline H. - They have rented Mrs. Ruth Bryan Owen's house. 
[[red underline]] Rumors of a 4 day Bank Moratorium all over the U.S. [[/red underline]] to be proclaimed tomorrow.
[[underline]] March 6. [[/underline]] [[red underline]] Mayor Cermak [[/red underline]] of Chicago who got shot by the assasin who [[red underline]] tried to kill President [[/red underline]] Franklin Roosevelt died to day after long lingering condition. 
[[left margin in red]] Bank moratorium! [[/left margin]] 
[[red underline]] All banks closed over the whole U.S. Moratorium to last 4 days perhaps longer in order to face situation [[/red underline]] brought about by so many depositors drawing out their funds from all banks in the U.S. - This will create a very complicated situation by people who have not sufficient ready cash and cannot draw money from the banks. [[red underline]] Governor Gifford Pinchot of Pennsylvania was caught on a motor trip with only seventy five [[/red underline]] cents in his pocket. [[red underline]] Harry Hooker has 17 cents [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] The Hookers [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Elon Hooker, [[/red underline]] his wife and daughter are to leave Wednesday ^[[next week]] and [[red underline]] will have to find cash, [[/red underline]] if conditions do not change by that time. - Drastic law passed against
"hoarding" and heavy penalties. [[red underline]] Shipment or withdrawal of gold funds forbidden [[/red underline]] Fortunately Celine and I have a few Dollars to tide us over until banks reopen, but [[red underline]] we shall not be able to pay our help [[/red underline]] until then. [[red underline]] Everybody takes it good naturedly [[/red underline]]