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[[left margin in red, underlined]] Harry Mills [[/left margin in red]]
[[underline]] March 7. [[/underline]] All banks closed. George writes me that he has alloted a [[red underline]] salary of $4500.00 to Harry Mills [[/red underline]] for another year, this sum to be paid by Bakelite Corp, instead of Canadian Company. Good rainfall (1") this afternoon very much needed since more than [[strikethrough]] three mont [[/strikethrough]] 2 months
[[red underline]] Malcolm Matheson [[/red underline]] his wife and daughter visited here, first time
[[underline]] March 8. [[/underline]] Money changers in Europe exploiting Americans in Europe by paying only [[red underline]] 48½ cents to the American Dollar. [[/red underline]] Bad for so many Americans who went to live in Europe cheaply. Fine weather again.
[[red underline]] Dr. John Barret [[/red underline]] here on a visit this afternoon. Came back from a flying trip over the Latin Republics. Our [[red underline]] workers in Bound Brook payment has been helped because we drew out $2000.00 in cash in time for this purpose. [[/red underline]]
[[left margin]] Exposed colored disks [[/left margin]]
Samples of pastel-color Bakelite about which George reported me so enthusiastically [[strikethrough]] how [[/strikethrough]] ^[[are]] now being exposed to sunlight [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] here.
[[underline]] March 9. [[/underline]] 
[[left margin]] Johnson & Johnson [[/left margin]] 
[[red underline]] George B. proposes we should join Johnson & Johnson in [[/red underline]] a special company for bakelite [[red underline]] water proof cloth because [[/red underline]] 
J. & J. acknowledge that they have no experience in this line and seem [[red underline]] willing to enter into partnership with [[/red underline]] us. 
[[left margin in red]] Danger of too many lines [[/left margin in red]]
I answered to George that there is [[red underline]] danger, more than ever, of spreading our available cash too [[strikethrough]] hi [[/strikethrough]] thin over too many subjects. [[/red underline]] - our developments, [[red underline]] Pantone, Bakelite Building [[/red underline]] 
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[left margin in red]] Roosevelt urgent laws [[/left margin]]
products, [[red underline]] Ragus [[/red underline]] etc 
Opening of Congress and proclamation presented by [[red underline]] Roosevelt as to most urgent laws necessary [[/red underline]] to face present situation and unbalanced budget Generally supported by everybody except by some tricky politicians, democrats and [[red underline]] republicans who want to court favor with their local pledges to constituents or to the so called [[/red underline]] [[bold red underline]] veterans. [[/bold red underline]] Wired to George that colored molded [[red underline]] discs, [[/red underline]] after [[red underline]] three days exposure [[/red underline]] to the sun have already [[red underline]] changed color [[/red underline]] except the red and yellow which is quite a disappointment after we have been crowing so much about them
[[underline]] March 10. [[/underline]] 
[[left margin in red]] Alexander Graham Bell & telephone [[/left margin]]
Radio tells me that it is just [[red underline]] 57 years ago that Alexander Graham Bell's telephone for the first time transmitted words: [[/red underline]] Namely a sentence: "Watson do you hear me come here!" - Watson came thundering down stairs yelling: Mr Bell, I heard you, I heard you" 
[[red underline]] I was then 13 years 5 months old [[/red underline]] and I remembered what [[red underline]] an enormous impression this news made on me [[/red underline]] Later on when I read in the publications how the telephone was constructed, I set to work to make one, and [[red underline]] succeeded to make it operate faintly between the second story and the cellar of my house in Ghent. [[/red underline]] 
[[left margin in red]] My first home made phone! [[/left margin]]
Went to [[red underline]] congratulate Mrs. Fairchild [[/red underline]] on the anniversary of the birthday "of her celebrated [[overwritten]] "brother" [[/overwritten]]
"father". Her son in law Mr Muller and his wife and baby were there. At first 

Transcription Notes:
Verified Mrs. Fairchild was the daughter of Alexander Graham Bell