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so much and my charges and contributions etc had increased so that it is out of question to multiply them
[[underline]] March 29. [[/underline]] [[red underline]] Mrs Carthy, [[red underline]] widow of [[red underline]] General Carthy [[/red underline]] came to visit with Mrs. Fairchild. She had two boys, grandchildren with her Wired a Dayletter telegram sending congratulations to [[red underline]] Prof. Elihu Thomson whose 80th Birthday [[/red underline]] is being honored to night at Cambridge, Mass
Afternoon went sailing in sloop to beyond Cutler
[[underline]] March 30.[[/underline]] Drove to [[red underline]] Flowershow [[/red underline]] Letter Rossi announcing a new plastic [[red underline]] Comolite, [[/red underline]] warned him by telegram about it
[[underline]] March 31. [[/underline]] Entrusted Irving Thomas to try to obtain reduction of my taxes for 1933. Feel tired. Celine went to Flowershow with Mrs. Ritter, Fairchild and [[red underline]] Elliot Shepard. [[/red underline]]
[[underline]] April 1 [[/underline]] Writing letters all day
[[underline]] April 2 [[/underline]] (Sunday). Letter writing all [[strikethrough]] day [[/strikethrough]] morning. Afternoon Celine and I went to Miami Biltmore water sport show. Excellent swimming and diving also exhibition of models of [[worn?]] dresses. Beautiful weather and very interesting show
When returning at 5 P.M. Andrew showed [[red underline]] eight land turtles [[/red underline]] he has caught. One was about 12" long and about 6"-7" wide 
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[[underline]] April 3. [[/underline]] George writes that [[strikethrough]] In [[/strikethrough]] I.Cy. has started infringement suit against Beetle.
[[red underline]] Dr. Townsend director [[/red underline]] of New York [[red underline]] Aquarium, [[/red underline]] visited. - He comes to Florida to inspect the giant [[red underline]] Gallopagas Island turtles [[/red underline]] which he stationed at Key Biscayne and Arbor Vitae key.
[[note in left margin]] April 3. Judge [[red underline]] Halsted [[/red underline]] Ritter came here early this morning to inquire again about [[red underline]] Cary Hutchinson's [[/red underline]] references. Told him again he is well qualified, referred him to Who's Who and assured him of his absolute honesty and independence - He is to appoint him a referee for the Electric Power Co. 
[[/note in left margin]]
[[underline]] April 4 [[/underline]] Newspapers bring the news that the largest Air ship the [[strikethrough]] Akron [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Akron of the U.S Navy has been destroyed [[/red underline]] by a storm off Atlantic City last night. Crew of [[red underline]] 74 lost [[/red underline]] only 3 men saved. Further details followed later on by Radio, and afternoon by Commander Wiley one of the 3 survivors. Great agitation in Washington and everywhere. [[strikethrough]] True [[/strikethrough]] Details and cause of disaster missing - [[red underline]] Probably lightning [[/red underline]] set fire to ship which then collapsed and fell.
[[underline]] Air mail [[/underline]] letter from George recommending retaining Barnes again who is going to London on account of secret information that our administration is going to dicker with European countries for a reduction of 10% on Tarif. [[red underline]] Wired George am against spending money on Barnes [[/red underline]], who makes his living by exaggerating scares etc. Not willing to pay again for pulling chestnuts out of the fire for the benefit of our competitors
[[underline]] April 5. [[/underline]] More details about [[red underline]] Akron disaster. [[/red underline]] Read with pleasure in the paper that [[red underline]] Hutchinson [[/red underline]] has been [[red underline]] appointed by Judge Halsted Ritter [[/red underline]] 

Transcription Notes:
Elihu Thomson is correct I.Cy. may stand for International Cyanamid