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the [[red underline]] head of the coalition party in Belgium [[/red underline]] trying to reconcile Wallons & [[red underline]] Flemish and other [[/red underline]] political groups. Their aim is a [[red underline]] closer union between Belgium Holland [[/red underline]] and the [[red underline]] Scandinavian [[/red underline]] countries, thus all not to be so longer dependent upon the large powers in Europe.
Spent the whole afternoon with him at the Club and enjoyed every moment of his conversation 
[[left margin in red]] Alan Brown & Gordon Brown [[/left margin]]
[[underline]] May 18. [[/underline]] Had a long talk with him suggested by George and Rossi, on the subject of the sales Department. Both George and Rossi [[red underline]] think Alan Brown [[/red underline]] , or perhaps [[red underline]] Gordon Brown [[/red underline]] ought to put at the [[red underline]] head of sales department so [[/red underline]] as to undertake more systems and activities. 
[[left margin in red]] Swan not happy in his work [[/left margin]]
[[bold red underline]] Swan [[/bold red underline]] had declared to George in a [[red underline]] private conversation [[/red underline]] that his present work in sales Department he does not feel happy and would prefer to [[red underline]] devote his energies to Pantone [[/red underline]] etc. - Unfortunately the late reports about [[red underline]] Pantone [[/red underline]] by  Shrimpe do not give much hope of rapid development of success. [[red underline]] Swan shows his age [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] in his present mood and [[red underline]] thinks we want to crowd him out. [[/red underline]] - I assured him these were not our thoughts nor intentions. But [[red underline]] something ought to be done to vivify [[/red underline]] the sales Dept at a time when there were increasing indications of a [[red underline]] betterment in business [[/red underline]]
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conditions. [[red underline]] Swan [[/red underline]] like everyone else [[red underline]] resents [[/red underline]] the carping attitude and [[red underline]] general behavior of Sanford Brown, [[/red underline]] who has nobody to like him anywhere outside his Halowax department.
[[underline]] May 19. [[/underline]] Another very busy day at office and straightening up things before my [[red underline]] departure for Europe [[/red underline]]
[[left margin in red]] Meeting at Snug Rock [[/left margin]] 
[[underline]] May 20. [[/underline]] All morning at office classifying and packing papers for Europe. Afternoon at Snug rock doing same and packing. Lunched at U.C whence Dick came to fetch me. - Very warm.
[[underline]] May 21. [[/underline]] (Sunday) Packing and preparing. [[red underline]] All the grand children but Freddy Baekeland [[/red underline]] here at Snug Rock for dinner with George [[red underline]] Roll and Nina. [[/red underline]] - the others Geo Baekeland, Cornelia, and Freddie I had met last Sunday 
So we [[red underline]] were eleven in all. [[/red underline]] 
[[left margin in red]] Grand children [[/left margin]]
A real happiness to have such a splendid set of grand children [[red underline]] Dicky has grown much [[/red underline]] so has [[red underline]] Celine Roll and begin to look like young ladies but still have their young girlish ways. Ninette has changed to great advantage, [[/red underline] mentally and physically, was allow from her boarding school [[strikethrough]] special [[/strikethrough]] in Connecticut, special [[red underline]] permission to join us [[/red underline]] in this family reunion. She seemed to [[red underline]] be very happy [[/red underline]] and has acquired a [[red underline]] quieter disposition. Brooksie is the most advanced [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] and [[red underline]] quickest in perception, learns rapidly [[/red underline]] and much [[red underline]] advanced [[/red underline]] in his

Transcription Notes:
Rossi is correct. He was the general manager of Bakelite