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[[left margin in red]] Excellent SS. Manhattan [[/left margin in red]]
and common sense combined with good taste. None of those absurdities of "modern art" as the French steamer "Isle de France". Stewards, officers and crew a totally better type than the former casual class of men one saw on American ships. Perhaps there is better and more choice to select them than during that crazy period of "prosperity". Never have seen better service on any ship. - Then since beer is publicly sold, one does not have to deal any longer with bootlegging stewards and other vile hypocrysies. On [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] the [[red underline]] last [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] ship I [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] American [[/red underline]] ship I had on the Pacific Ocean (1925) [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] trafficing insolent Chinese stewards made a large income by selling [[red underline]] dirty bootleg gin [[/red underline]] to the passengers. - The whole ship is admirably well planned and marks a new Era for U.S shipping. - There is no use of having a Navy if we do not have at the same time a good Merchant Marine With all this the price for my excellent outside cabin B deck with shower and toilet is only $165, decidedly less than foreign boats for same accomodation. 
Day was hot but excellent ventilation in my cabin. 
Am sorry Celine is not with me and must stay home. 
[[left margin in red]] Inheritance Taxes [[/left margin in red]]
In view of our responsibilities and the possibility of [[red underline]] large inheritance taxes which might jeopardise the control of our family in Bakelite Corporation and thus take away from George his leadership [[/red underline]] in an industry I have created. I 
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think [[red underline]] Celine and I should never travel together thus incurring possibility of being killed together [[/red underline]] if an accident occurs. Even long motor rides ought to be undertaken separately. I hope that, according to the natural way of probabilities I may die before her so that she may continue her splendid influence for the good of our children and grand children. Took along letter credit of $2000  
[[underline]] May 25. [[/underline]] As the dining room is so filled that I cannot have a little table to myself, I concluded to have all my meals, rather simple, in my comfortable cabin. - This cuts out quite some fuss and complications. - I feel as if I were on the ION, and eat when I want, what I want. A great simplification and gives me much better opportunity of disposing of my time. Thus far we have kept a straight Easterly course towards the Azores keeping latitude 40° for avoiding Ice bergs. Towards evening course was changed to N.E, approaching the New Foundland era. Wind which was Easterly is now W. Excellent music in Chinese Tea room, broadcast in main room and in smoking rooms. Evening well attended Movietone play. - This is a perfect rest for me undisturbed by anything; so plenty of time for reading, writing and keeping