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to my thoughts. [[underlined in red]] Have never felt better and healthier in my life. [[/underlined in red]] Do not know a single person among the passengers and my name as usually has been left out of the passenger list by my request.
Service is excellent. Boat pretty well filled with 1st class passengers also quite some in the "Tourist" class. On an average they compare well with the usual passengers one meets on steamers, specially on the [[strikethrough]] liners [[/strikethrough]] fast liners with their showy class of freaks and notorieties as one meets on some of them, specially those that have their passengers for Paris.
[[underlined]] May 26. [[/underlined]] Cold & cloudy then rain. Excellent [[strikethrough]] movietone new [[/strikethrough]] movie-phone to night
[[underlined]] May 27. [[/underlined]] Cold.
[[underlined]] May 28. [[/underlined]] (Sunday)
[[note in left margin in red]] J. P Morgan
[[/note in left margin]]
Sunny [[strikethrough]] morning [[/strikethrough]] morning. Catholic and protestant services celebrated in main social room. - Ships Bulletin reports [[underlined in red]] steady increase of price of stocks. [[/underlined in red]] Also Senate investigation of the [[underlined in red]] J. P. Morgan private bank reports [[/underlined in red]] many public men, have profited by the operations also by being allowed to subscribe to stocks at low prices during the boom period of 1929 which they were able to sell at a considerable gain. [[underlined in red]] Woodin, [[/underlined in red]] Snow Secretary of the Treasury and other prominent members of the present administration are among the names
[[end page]]
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[[note in left margin in red]] J. P Morgan
[[/note in left margin]]
also [[strikethrough]] Coolio [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined in red]] President Coolidge [[/underlined in red]] all this is being utilised by the radicals, including [[underlined in red]] Borah as [[/underlined in red]] an argument for [[underline in red]] increased taxation [[/underlined in red]] on incomes and other similar actions. What strikes most is that [[underlined in red]] Morgan [[/underlined in red]] by deducting his losses in selling his depreciated securities after the boom, was able to escape paying income taxes in the U.S, while in England, where sales [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] losses or profits on capital assets, including bonds and stocks are not counted or deducted as income, he had to pay taxes on his other income 
[[note in left margin in red]] [[underlined in red]] Taxes [[/underlined in red]]
[[/note in left margin]]
Increased income tax for large incomes is now advocated by those who are against a sales tax or other taxes which do not strike exclusively the rich. All this may considerably complicate the present program of taxation and may make the [[underlined in red]] insurgent demagogs [[/underlined in red]] plenty of trouble in upsetting the income program of [[underlined in red]] Franklin Roosevelt [[/underlined in red]] and [[underlined in red]] Woodin.[[/underlined in red]] - As soon as I get to England I may hear more about it. Our news Bulletin is a 4 page sheet, containing rather limited radio-news information
[[underlined]] May 29. [[/underlined]] I am reading the few last of the Sunday Supplements of the New York Times. - which I have kept accumulating since January for reading them on such occasions as this. - With such an abundance and variety of reading matter as travelling companions one [[underlined in red]] does not want to make the acquaintance of other passengers [[/underlined in red]] and their