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[[red underline]] Kingsbury and Casper [[/red underline]] to welcome me. After light luncheon went walking around town for 3 consecutive hours until I felt very tired, went to bed at [[strikethrough]] 7 [[/strikethrough]] 8 P.M and was 
[[underline]] June 1 [[/underline]] 
astounded next morning when I awakened that it was 10:30 AM. I do not remember for many years that I ever slept so long in one stretch!
This is the great racing day, the [[red underline]] Derby [[/red underline]] day and all who can went to the races.
Went to the office were met Potter also Kingsbury. [[strikethrough]] The latter [[/strikethrough]] ^[[other]] took me to his club for luncheon, then we went walking together [[strikethrough]] so we ha [[/strikethrough]]
[[underline]] June 2 [[/underline]] 
[[left margin in red]] Trist & his story [[/left margin in red]]
[[red underline]] Potter [[/underline]] is in Birmingham. Went to meet [[red underline]] Trist [[/red underline]] at his office 11 AM by appointment. [[red underline]] Trist [[/red underline]] told me the story of his work and happenings to [[red underline]] Pantone [[/red underline]] since last year. The 3 financial men who wanted to back him and amongst whom was one of the heads of [[red underline]] Imperial Chemicals, [[/red underline]] Ltd. were merely men who tried to obtain an [[underline]] option [[/underline]] for financial control of [[red underline]] Pantone [[/red underline]] Co of which Trist is practically sole owner here. - The lead of backing him financially they wanted simply make a quick turn and quick profits after having obtained this option of control and resell it at an increased price to a newspaper syndicate which wanted to start three-color printing for daily papers etc. - So he dropped them. - In the meantime has made further improvements in 1/ making of the screen etc., 
2/ in cheaper and better copper plate made electolytically instead of the roller process 
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[[left margin in red]] Trist & his story [[/left margin in red]]
3/ More flexible hard rubber backing for curved matrices instead of the harder less flexible laminated Bakelite.
4/ Adaptation of copper blanks, backed with rubber or bakelite for intaglio printing, thus improving the present current methods of making intaglio printing blocks
5/ Doing away with mercury in the ink and also with "Kissing brush" by simply licking up the mercury from a silverplated roller, by means of a set of gelatin rollers which convey it to the printing plate
6/ An improved ink which is not tacky and can be made up to any consistency by mixing the pigment of any color with linseed oil, then a small amount of amyl tartrate so as to facilitate emulsion to which added a mucilage [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] obtained by soaking linseed in water and adding about 8% of glycerine. [[strikethrough]] This [[/strikethrough]]
7/ This ink together with the new mercury feeding devices permits to operate at 20000 printing speed which is the speed newspaper men want to operate. Satisfactory [[strikethrough]] operations [[/strikethrough]] demonstrations have been made at 2000 speed presses but they want to see practical working at 20000 speed.
A manufacturer of speed presses has undertaken at his won cost to build a 20000 speed press for 3 color work at his own cost. But press will not be ready before 3 months.
This is as far as I remember the condensed form of the statements