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But someway or another [[red underline]] I was not bothered [[/red underline]] after giving 2 or 3 marks to the polite and intelligent Pullman conductor of my car and also letting him change some of my English money into German.
[[left margin in red]] Tipping 10% [[/left margin in red]]
I notice that on the train and hotels the excellent system of [[red underline]] including 10% for service [[/red underline]] is still maintained thus [[red underline]] simplifying the tipping nuisance [[/red underline]]
[[underline]] June 15. [[/underline]] 
[[left margin in red, underlined]] Berlin [[/left margin in red]]
[[strikethrough]] Arrived [[/strikethrough]] Awake since 4 AM full day light. Arrived in [[red underline]] Berlin [[/red underline]] Friedrichstrasse Bahnhof at about 7 AM. Weather cool then later pleasantly warm. Went to [[red underline]] Kaiserhof [[/red underline]] Hotel thus trying to escape Americans and others who make the Adlon a rather noisy place. A [[red underline]] nice room [[/red underline]] outside room with bath for [[red underline]] 15 Marks [[/red underline]] a day including service. 
[[left margin in red]] Hitler on top [[/left margin in red]]
I [[red underline]] notice a great change in Berlin [[/red underline]] since last years when uniforms were infrequent [[red underline]] Hitler now being on top, everybody [[/red underline]] seems to have [[red underline]] turned Nazi. [[/red underline]] Everywhere uniformed men with the yellow brown shirts and ditto trousers; [[red underline]] all booted [[/red underline]] and everywhere the [[red underline]] Swastika [[/red underline]] cross in evidence and red banner with [[red underline]] Swastika [[/red underline]] sign, floating everywhere and by everybody. All ribbons of [[red underline]] Iron cross and war insignia [[/red underline]] from old soldiers worn by almost everyone [[strikethrough]] one [[/strikethrough]] you meet. - 
[[left margin in red]] Nazi salute [[/left margin in red]]
[[red underline]] Nazi salute [[/red underline]] lifted hand and arm-predominating. - The [[red underline]] old Roman salute which Mussolini in Italy brought [[/red underline]] in vogue for the fascists. - In fact [[red underline]] all what if going on here reminds me very much of a similar condition when was in Italy after returning from Egypt in 1922, after [[/red underline]] 
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Mussolini had made his coup d'Etat. [[red underline]] Kaiserhof [[/red underline]] seems to be [[red underline]] central meeting place for Hitler [[/red underline]] men. and their going and coming and consultations in hushed voices and saluting and heel-clicking remind me of the Germany of [[red underline]] 1913 [[/red underline]] except that [[red underline]] the brillant uniforms are missing. [[/red underline]] The prevailing color for Nazis is a dirty-brown yellow and these [[red underline]] drab [[strikethrough]] h [[/strikethrough]] shirts worn without coats [[/red underline]] give an unexpected look to this exclusive hotel. The [[red underline]] same fat heads, with thick necks showing one or several fat folds [[/red underline]] behind look even more [[red underline]] hideous with their closely shaven heads [[/red underline]] which produce a [[red underline]] general expression of so many blase eyed walrus heads, [[/red underline]] which seem almost general in all classes.
[[left margin in red]] Bakelite office [[/left margin in red]]
Went to [[red underline]] Bakelite office. Sachs, Weger & Stauss [[/red underline]] were holding a special meeting at Rütgers. They did not expect me. [[strikethrough]] Stau cam [[/strikethrough]] Sachs came hurriedly to meet me, excusing that he had to leave me alone to join the meeting in session. [[red underline]] Seemed more nervous [[/red underline]] than ever. Later on I learned why. I invited them all to join me for luncheon at the Kaiserhof at 1 P.M [[red underline]] Fabian, ^[[Dr.]] Müller of Rutgers [[/red underline]] head sales dept - also joined in, also [[red underline]] Dr. Hetwig(?) [[/red underline]] of the Deutsche Bank came around. 
[[left margin, underlined]] Dr. Weigelt? [[/left margin]]
[[strikethrough]] Ev [[/strikethrough]] Evening Dr. Weger joined me to late supper at [[strikethrough]] Ze [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]]
"Ziechenbräu" [[/red underline]] to talk over latest developments. 
[[underline]] June 16. [[/underline]] Met [[red underline]] Sachs [[/red underline]] at his office. He was [[red underline]] very nervous [[/red underline]] and after we were alone he complained bitterly about his treatment by Stauss and

Transcription Notes:
The next page (63 of 65) is closed, but the guessed word is probably "Rutgerswerke"