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time that place was well frequented. Am told [[red underline]] Avalon[[guess]] [[/red underline]] is almost empty so is the "Esplanade" hotel and other places where visiting Americans use to come. - [[red underline]] Lowered value of the Dollar, [[/red underline]] since Franklin Roosevelts mehtod for cheapening the Dollar [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] and general business depressions [[red underline]] brought this about. Several hundred men [[/red underline]] employed in [[red underline]] Uncle-Sam's service [[/red underline]] at our counsulates, embassies, commercial attaches etc [[red underline]] have been dropped from the service, in view [[/red underline]] of the [[red underline]] U.S. treasury program [[/red underline]] and are returning home with their families. These are certainly [[red underline]] unusual times. [[/red underline]]
[[red underline]] Same as last year, [[/red underline]] I [[red underline]] am accosted [[/red underline]] by [[red underline]] men young and old many [[/red underline]] of them not shabbily dressed, who approach me [[red underline]]for an alm [[/red underline]] and thank me when I hand them even as little as a 10 pfennig coin, which is what they usually expect. Same evidence of last year of along Unter den Lindess or near the Stations of [[red underline]] well dressed girls, plying their trade openly, if not in restaurants and hotels. [[/red underline]] Their horde of [[strikeout]] trot [[/strikeout]] prostitutes seems unaffected by present conditions. I [[red underline]] noticed the same in London [[/red underline]] but not to the same extent as [[red underline]] here where almost every restaurant or beer house where one goes, [[/red underline]] tables [[red underline]] are occupied by women alone [[/red underline]] waiting [[strikeout]] for [[/strikeout]] patiently for someone to buy them. In this respect New York does not exhibit so openly such degraded traffic; even if it may exist clandestinely. 
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