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to it. - while [[red underline]] Sachs bossing Weger really ran the whole show, [[/red underline]] as he pleased.
Asked [[strikethrough]] Sachs [[/strikethrough]]Stauss to dine with me at Wasserhof and he left at 8 P.M. [[strikethrough]] today to join his wife at Helgoland for [[/strikethrough]]
[[entry in left margin in red]]
Annual Bakelite Gesellschaft meeting
[[/entry in left margin]]
[[underline]] June 19. [[/underline]] This is the annual Stockholders meeting of Bakelite Gesellschaft, preceded by a directors meeting.
At [[red underline]] Directors meeting [[/red underline]] are present [[strikethrough]] Fabian [[/strikethrough]] Strauss presiding 
[[red underline]] Fabian, [[/red underline]] Sachs, Weger, Muller, Nöbe. Report is presented, see copy of report of meeting as sent to New York.
Business and [[red underline]] profits have considerably dropped since last year. Bakelite Corporation instead [[/red underline]] of participating in the [[red underline]] profits [[/red underline]] above 7% will have to [[red underline]] pay 2% [[/red underline]] in as far as the stock has earned only 5%. The supplement to be [[strikethrough]] paid by [[/strikethrough]] made good by Bakelite Corporation amounts to about $4000- On the other hand [[red underline]] Bakelite Corporation has still a credit with Bakelite Gesellschaft for Halowax [[/red underline]] deliveries which I understand will more than offset what we owe B.G.
[[strikethrough]] Immediately [[/strikethrough]]Sachs read his report complaining of [[red underline]] intense competition and price-cutting. [[/red underline]] 
[[entry in left margin in red]]
Vietinghoff [[/entry in left margin]]
Immediately afterwards meeting of stockholders [[red underline]] Dr. Von Vietinghoff [[/red underline]] whom I had not seen since 1913 showed up. - friendly greetings etc. also Mr. [[red underline]] Deige [[/red underline]] who is now about 80 and wears well and
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who represents Knoll & Co. also some others representing Rutgers. We all then adjourned to the [[red underline]] restaurant [[strikethrough]] Kre [[/strikethrough]] "Kränzler" [[/red underline]] where an excellent dinner was served in a private room.
[[underline]] June 20. [[/underline]] Meeting presided by [[red underline]] Strauss [[/red underline]] (at his office at Rutgers,) with Sachs & Weger; he officially notifying them of their new employment contracts, etc. Few words exchanged.  [[red underline]] Sachs very nervous afterwards had discussion with Weger about proposed method of dealing with patents to be filed in foreign countries as outlined by memorandum [[/red underline]] of Rossi and as accepted by Potter.  [[red underline]] Weger agrees and now we shall submit a formal agreement to this effect. [[/red underline]] 
[[entry in left margin]]
Brautingam says their tar-roofing is sold at 1.20 to 1.30 mark per square meter under a guarantee of 10 years!
[[/entry in left margin]]
Told to Stauss about [[red underline]] Hanberger [[/red underline]] patents for shingles & roofing He says [[red underline]] Rutgers has a large department [[/red underline]] for roofing, should meet Mr Brautigam who is head of this dept. The latter tells me as he has written before, that the German trade is satisfied with the cheaper plain felt tar-roofing and it will be very difficult to compete with it. - That others have tried to introduce more expensive [[red underline]] roofing [[/red underline]] but without success.
[[underline]] June 21. [[/underline]] Visit to [[red underline]] Erkner [[/red underline]] factory. Weger came to fetch me with Companys motor car. Place looks much the same as last year. Their [[red underline]] cheap Cresol molding [[/red underline]] mixture is made from a Cresol Novolak which is said to contain 12% free cresol and which is easily softened in warm weather in the grinding mill. It really softens in the hand and can be drawn out in strings. It has a strong smell of Cresol and put on

Transcription Notes:
"Bakelite Gesellschaft" is German for "Bakelite Corporation." I have not been able to find the correct name for the german bakelite company that is often referenced in this journal. "Bakelite Geieserhoff(?)" If I find a concise spelling I can update it on the previously transcribed pages.