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[[left margin in red]] Money Values [[/left margin in red]]
and [[strikethrough]] po [[/strikethrough]] British pounds in a fixed ratio with the money of the present gold countries as long as the price of commodities has not reached a level high enough to restore it to values equivalent to those of 1926 or similar years considered normal has caused [[red underline]] disarray and anxiety in all foreign countries, [[/red underline]] and their delegates have threatened to discontinue the monetary conference now [[strikethrough]] held [[/strikethrough]] in session in London. But Roosevelt declines [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] to hamper [[/strikethrough]] to be hampered and tied by a preliminary stabilization. - Hence [[red underline]] denouncements of America and its policies in all Foreign papers [[/red underline]] except one or two English papers. [[red underline]] The French are furious. [[/red underline]]
Left 9:25 P.M. Friedrichstrasse with [[red underline]] Train Wagon-lits for Paris [[strikethrough]] three [[/strikethrough]] over Cologne to Belgium. [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] Had [[/strikethrough]] 1st class ticket about 80 Marks and 60 Marks for sleeper -- 1st class. Compartment to myself. [[red underline]] Service of Wagon lits not so good as Mitropa. [[/red underline]] Conductor young (Frenchman or Belgian?) took care of my [[red underline]] declaration that I was not taking out more money from Germany than I had when I entered the country. [[/red underline]] and I had no examination at all.
Passing thru Belgium no examination probably because I was booked for Paris & New York. Arriving in [[red underline]] France [[/red underline]] - wearing my rosette of the [[red underline]] Legion d'Honneur [[/red underline]] was treated very [[red underline]] politely [[/red underline]] by
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[[left margin in red]] French Visé [[/left margin in red]]
the Custom - officers on the train, who accepted my declaration [[red underline]] without examination.[[/red underline]] The passport man however remarked that I should have provided it with a [[red underline]] French visé [[/red underline]] and seemed somewhat puzzled at first, then advised me that if someone questioned me in Havre I [[red underline]] should say that I entered France by motor car. [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] Later on [[/strikethrough]] The next day when I showed my passport to the examiner on the train from Paris to Havre, the inspector told me: [[red underline]] they should not have let me enter France without a visé but all this in a friendly way [[/red underline]] and that was all; the red rosette of the [[red underline]] Legion d'Honneur [[/red underline]] helped me much again. - [[red underline]] Atrocious coffee! [[/red underline]]
[[underline]] July 4. [[/underline]] 
[[left margin in red]] Paris [[/left margin in red]] 
Arrived [[red underline]] Paris. [[/red underline]] Gare du Nord at 11:25 A.M. [[red underline]] Ill kept appearance of R.R. Station. [[/red underline]] Took taxi to Hotel Terminus situation near Gare St. Lazare whence tomorrow my train for Havre starts. 
[[left margin in red]] Paris vs Berlin!
[[/left margin in red]]
Am impressed with the [[red underline]] extreme noisiness and crowded streets of Paris. Streets narrow and crooked [[/red underline]] congested with [[red underline]] taxicabs, omnibuses [[/red underline]] and what not, all proceeding [[red underline]] in apparent disorder the drivers calling each other scolding names [[/red underline]] etc. Look very much like [[red underline]] a haphazard city very different from Berlin [[/red underline]] and even from New York, and London. Hotel Terminus a large busy hotel next to R.R. Gave me a small but comfortable single room with good bathroom for 50 frcs or about 2 Dollars [[strikethrough]] contar [[/strikethrough]] counting the franc at 4 cents its former American price, and French Breakfast of

Transcription Notes:
Gare de Nord is north train station in Paris