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busy for several years or the routine subject of shock proof material, where no chemistry is involved and merely substitution of one fibrous filler for another Same applies to [[underlined in red]] Nash. [[/underlined in red]] 
[[left margin]] Temp = 89˚ in shade and humidity 90% [[/left margin]]
I also told them that [[underlined in red]] Brock [[/underlined in red]] seems like a fifth wheel on the wagon in the paper-mill & pulp research Instead of leading he is dragged by the others who are active men who receive no aid from him. I suggest that they find another occupation for [[underlined in red]] Brock [[/underlined in red]] for which he is better suited and a new program should be [[strikethrough]] crea [[/strikethrough]] drawn up.
[[underlined in red]] Celine [[/underlined in red]] wanted to leave to night with George in his motor-car for the [[underlined in red]] Camp. [[/underlined in red]] which would land them there after furious driving about [[underlined in red]] midnight. [[/underlined in red]] - I advised strongly against this specially because weather forecasts indicated showers. She finally changed her plans but [[underlined in red]] George [[/underlined in red]] left alone. At about 6 P.M. we had a violent squall, with rainstorm and hail stones. and considerable breaking of [[strikethrough]] less [[/strikethrough]] plants & trees. - I wonder how George made out.
[[underlined]] July 21 [[/underlined]] Celine left this morning by train for the camp. I went to the office. Took supper at the U.C this evening.
[[underline]] July 22 [[/underlined]] Cooler. All day out home
I calculate that if we compare our net units with these of Dupont de Nemours at the rate of money we have spent on research in Bloomfield then Dupont [[underlined in red]] ought [[/underlined in red]] to spend at [[underlined in red]] least [[/underlined in red]] 26 million [[/underlined in red]] Dollars annually. 
[[red]] comparison of our research with Dupont [[/red]]
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[[left margin in red]] Doctors degree 49th year [[/left margin in red]]
[[underlined]] July 23 [[/underlined]] (Sunday) This is [[underlined in red]] my 49th anniversary of obtaining my Doctor's [[/underlined in red]] degree at the University. Celine and whole family in the [[underlined in red]] Adirondacks. [[/underlined in red]]
Hot and sultry here.
A young man 42 called here this afternoon was cleanly but not expensively dressed and spoke excellent French. Said had obtained my name and address of a professor of French in Columbia University. Started by telling me that when he was going to say was strictly confidential. That he was born in Ypres his two parents still living but altho' they knew he was still alive, they did not know where he was. Had one brother who was killed during the war in the Belgian army. He himself had been enlisted in 1915 fought thru the war, lost his right middle finger, then after the war went to live in France; had obtained a position in a bank Then when the debacle of French paper money began and strong penalties were ordered to anybody exporting or helping to export French gold or silver money [[strikethrough]] outside [[/strikethrough]] to other countries He had been caught in a group of men whom he served in such exportation. Had been sentenced to [[underlined in red]] ten years forced labor [[/underlined in red]] and sent (to [[underlined in red]] (Devil's Island) [[/underlined in red]] [[strikethrough]] (Guyan [[/strikethrough]] French Guyana whence he had escaped before his term expired. With five others they had obtained possession of a row boat fitted a mast from trees of the wood and a rudder. - Sewed a sail from flour bags; fitted a deeper keel and a rudder and had thus succeeded in reaching Curacao. whence the others had disbanded. His knowledge of [[strikethrough]] Dutch had the [[/strikethrough]] Nederlandish. had enabled him to get in friendly relations with the people there. - (I addressed him in Netherlandish and he answered currently and well) after while this had enabled him to take a boat to [[underlined in red]] Venezuela. [[/underlined in red]] where he met a group of men who called themselves Frenchmen but who were really Moroccan Jews, most of them carrying on shady trades, gambling, buying and selling